A Possible Solution For All The Toxins On Our Plates

Our food is designed for maximum profit, not nutrition. But a unified approach to food regulation could help.

The recent tragic murder of a health care executive dominated headlines, igniting a renewed debate over the shortcomings of the U.S. health care system. Much of the public’s outrage targets health insurance companies for prioritizing profits over patients. However, this focus on insurers alone misses the deeper systemic issue.

The real crisis begins not in hospitals or insurance company offices but in our kitchens, grocery stores and restaurants. The scientific evidence is rapidly accumulating that our food, particularly our ultra-processed food, is very unhealthy.

Our food is designed for maximum profit, not nutrition. It is addicting, calorically dense and often contains poorly tested chemicals, including pesticides, microplastics, forever chemicals and more.

The result? A tidal wave of illness, with one in every two adult Americans now having a chronic disease.
Could a more unified approach to food regulation solve this crisis? Consolidating oversight under a single, dedicated federal food agency may be the key to reversing these alarming trends.

A Nation Sickened By Its Food

The statistics paint a bleak picture. Obesity rates have more than doubled since the 1990s, from 15% to over 40%. Diabetes rates have tripled. In Micronesia, where diabetes was once rare, people say, “Eat white man’s food, end up in white man’s hospital.”

Despite spending more than any other country, Americans are getting sicker. Health care spending has ballooned, soaring from $714 billion in 1990 to a projected $5 trillion in 2024. Yet, the U.S. ranks 42nd globally in health outcomes.

Ultra-Processed Foods: Profitable But Deadly

Ultra-processed foods, which make up 60% or more of the average American’s diet, are engineered for convenience and addiction rather than nutrition. Cheap and aggressively marketed, they’re also dangerously unhealthy.

Studies demonstrate that for every 10% increase in ultra-processed food consumption, the risk of chronic diseases like cancer and diabetes rises by over 10% In addition, these foods have been linked to shorter life spans, obesity, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases.

Growing scientific evidence demonstrates that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup-like herbicides, worsens the problem. Introduced into our food in the mid-1990s, glyphosate’s increasing usage mirrors the explosion in chronic illnesses. It is the most heavily sprayed herbicide in history.

Originally designed to kill weeds, it is now used to dry crops like wheat and oats before harvest. It is also found in most genetically modified crops and has become a pervasive, unlabeled ingredient in our food supply.

Glyphosate’s Toll On Health

Studies show that 80% of Americans have glyphosate in their bodies. This chemical disrupts the gut bacteria, which are critical to immunity, digestion, mental health and much more.

It’s also linked to inflammation, oxidative stress and DNA damage, all of which elevate the risk of cancer and chronic illness. Environmentally, glyphosate contaminates soil, water, and even rainfall, threatening ecosystems and biodiversity.

Regulatory Fragmentation: A Recipe For Disaster

Despite the clear connection between diet and disease, regulatory efforts remain fragmented and ineffective. Oversight of food safety is divided among the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Agriculture. This division creates regulatory gaps and inconsistencies that put public health at risk.

The FDA regulates processed foods and additives, the USDA oversees meat and poultry, and the EPA manages pesticides. This fragmented approach often leads to misaligned standards — for instance, the EPA’s pesticide guidelines don’t always align with FDA residue limits.

Ultra-processed foods, designed with excessive salt, sugar and fat to exploit human taste preferences, escape comprehensive regulation. Meanwhile, the USDA’s support of certain agricultural practices, such as glyphosate use, often conflicts with public health goals.

A Unified Solution

The U.S. needs a single, dedicated agency focused on all aspects of food safety and quality. Such an agency could unify all regulations pertaining to food production and distribution. This agency could:

  • Start by acknowledging that much of the food produced in the U.S. is unhealthy.
  • Establish stricter limits on harmful food additives, including pesticides.
  • Incentivize the production and consumption of minimally processed, nutritious foods.
  • Launch public education campaigns on the dangers of ultra-processed diets.

Toward A Healthier Future

The fragmentation of food regulation is failing Americans. Chronic illnesses linked to toxic diets continue to rise, underscoring the urgent need for reform.

A dedicated federal food safety and nutrition agency could eliminate regulatory inconsistencies and tackle the root causes of our nation’s health crisis.

It’s time to prioritize public health over corporate profits and build a food system that nourishes rather than sickens. A healthier, more sustainable future is within reach if we have the courage to demand and enact it.

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