Kent State Women’s Basketball to Host Coppin State Wednesday for Home Opener – Kent State Golden Flashes
Story Links The Kent State women’s basketball team opens the home schedule on Wednesday as Coppin State visits the M.A.C. Center for a 7 p.m. contest. The game will be a “Powder Blue Out” with powder blue pom-poms being distributing to the first 1,000 fans in attendance while the first 200 through the doors will…
41 मजदूरों के लिए ये टेक्नोलॉजी बनी भगवान, 17 दिनों में हुआ चमत्कार
Uttarakhand Tunnel Rescue Operation Technology: सुरंग में फंसे 41 मजदूरों के बचाव कार्य में नई के साथ पुरानी टेक्नोलॉजी की भी मदद ली गई है। एंडोस्कोपिक फ्लेक्सी कैमरा से लेकर मेडिकल डिवाइस तक ने इस सबसे बड़े बचाव अभियान में से एक को सफल बनाया है। चलिए जानते हैं इन टेक्नोलॉजी के बारे में…, टेक…
गोंडा: पत्नी की हत्या कर शव को गन्ने के खेत में दफनाया, पति को ससुराल वालों से दहेज में नहीं मिली थी कार
गोंडा: यूपी के गोंडा जिले के धानेपुर थानाक्षेत्र के गांव हरिहरपुर में दहेज न मिलने पर एक हैवान पति ने अपने परिवार के साथ मिलकर पत्नी की निर्मम हत्या कर दी। इसके बाद शव को अपनी बहन के गांव के पास विसुही नदी के किनारे गन्ने के खेत में दफना दिया। किसी ने इसकी सूचना…
Terra e Paixão: Daniel ‘ressuscita’ e pode entrar na lista de suspeitos pelo assassinato de Agatha, diz colunista: “Foi envenenada”
Entretenimento Como todos sabem, o personagem de Johnny Massaro sofreu um terrível acidente no início do folhetim Por Rafael Belmont 28/11/2023 – 12:33hs BRT 28/11/2023 – 12:33hs BRT Daniel e Agatha em Terra e Paixão – Reprodução/TV Globo Por Rafael Belmont Daniel está vivo? Filho ‘queridinho’ de Irene (Gloria Pires), Daniel (Jhonny Massaro) sofreu um…
Attorney’s $50,000 donation provides 2,000 food boxes for Valley families
In a partnership between Akron Children’s Hospital and Second Harvest Food Bank, families are receiving a box of non-perishable food as well as gift bags for children including dental hygiene kits, children’s books, and other family resources distributed a several Alta Care Group locations.
Conde Nast Traveler Selects Detroit in Best Places to Go in 2024 List
Detroit has been selected as one of the Best Places to Go in 2024 by Conde Nast Traveler, chosen for its global leadership in mobility and innovation, its remarkable investment in rebuilding, and its contribution to the music scene. Read more in the news release below. Visit DetroitNov. 15, 2023 DETROIT, MI (Nov. 15, 2023)…
Virginia Tech men’s basketball’s game against Miami (Fla.) sold out
BLACKSBURG – Following a solid showing in Orlando last week, the Virginia Tech men’s basketball game versus Miami (Fla.) on Saturday, Jan. 13 at 7 p.m. ET at Carilion Clinic Court at Cassell Coliseum has been sold out. Fans still looking for tickets to the match up with the Hurricanes are encouraged to visit SeatGeek, the official secondary ticket…
Act fast: Best Black Friday and Cyber Monday travel items still on sale
Cyber Monday might be over but we’re still seeing lots of great items still on sale at places like Amazon, Walmart and beyond. If you want to make your final purchases a little more meaningful, take the lead from TPG readers and staff with this roundup of the items real-world travelers are spending their cash…
Ed Sheeran: Donegal pupils star in singer’s music video
Global pop star Ed Sheeran has released a video created by pupils and teachers at a County Donegal school for one of his latest singles. The singer-songwriter launched a competition asking schools to create a video for a song of their choice from his new album, Autumn Variations. Fourteen fan-created official music videos were chosen…
Festa do Milho de Jataí poderá entrar para Calendário Cívico, Cultural e Turístico de Goiás
A deputada Bia de Lima (PT) apresenta o projeto de lei n°5690/23, que tem como objetivo incluir no Calendário Cívico, Cultural e Turístico do Estado de Goiás a Festa do Milho de Jataí realizada anualmente, no mês de maio, no município. Bia de Lima esclarece que o município de Jataí, localizado no Sudoeste goiano, está…