ปิกอัพระทึก หักหลบรถจยย. พุ่งลงข้างทาง พลิกคว่ำ เจ็บ 11 คน
ปิกอัพระทึก หักหลบรถจยย. พุ่งลงข้างทาง พลิกคว่ำ เจ็บ 11 คน วันที่ 31 ต.ค.66 พ.ต.อ.ณชรต แก้วเพชร ผกก.สภ.บ้านเป็ด จ.ร้อยเอ็ด พร้อมด้วย หน่วยกู้ชีพเทศบาลตำบลบ้านเป็ด หน่วยกู้ภัยทางหลวงขอนแก่น กู้ภัยมูลนิธิสว่าง ขอนแก่นสามัคคีอุทิศ มูลนิธิจิตกุศลขอนแก่น เข้าช่วยเหลือผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บจำนวนมาก หลังเกิดอุบัติเหตุรถกระบะชนกับรถจยย. บริเวณถนนเลี่ยงเมืองบ้านสะอาด หน้าทางเข้าหมู่บ้านการเคหะบ้านเป็ด ต.บ้านเป็ด อ.เมือง จ.ขอนแก่น โดยหน่วยกู้ภัยได้เร่งนำตัวผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บส่งโรงพยาบาลเป็นการเร่งด่วน ที่เกิดเหตุพบรถจยย.ฮอนด้า สีดำคาดแดง หมายเลขทะเบียน 2กง 739 อุดรธานี โดยมี นายมงคลเดช พระเอก อายุ 35 ปี และ นายสถาพร พังทุย ที่มากับรถจยย. ได้รับบาดเจ็บทั้งคู่ ใกล้กันพบรถกระบะบรรทุก ยี่ห้อฟอร์ด สีบรอนซ์เทา หมายเลขทะเบียน 3ฒง 1268 กทม. ไม่ทราบชื่อคนขับรถและมีผู้บาดเจ็บ รวมทั้งหมด 9…
The 2023 Family Office Software Roundup
From a broad perspective, the tech industry made a remarkable shift in the last year with the arrival of generative artificial intelligence. It didn’t just arrive as much as it overwhelmed through its simplicity and accessibility: suddenly everyone was using it to summarize books, write essays or generate images. Heralded as significant as the internet…
Influenciador Gustavo Tubarão, relata momento preocupante após descobrir que tinha um maníaco observando a namorada, Jade Sales, através de uma janela
Entretenimento Suspeito estava observando a influenciadora durante dias Por Victoria Carvalho 31/10/2023 – 11:50hs BRT 31/10/2023 – 11:50hs BRT Gustavo relata susto de Jade Por Victoria Carvalho Um susto Gustavo Tubarão usou as redes sociais nessa segunda-feira (30), para compartilhar o susto que sua namorada, Jade Sales, passou nos últimos dias. Com seus mais de…
Terra e Paixão: Xereta, Anely faz Antônio sofrer e revela segredo para o vilão: “Ele vai tirar satisfações”
Entretenimento Nos próximos capítulos, a irmã de Lucinda (Débora Falabella) abrirá o bico para salvar Antônio (Tony Ramos) Por Rafael Belmont 31/10/2023 – 11:50hs BRT 31/10/2023 – 11:50hs BRT Anely e Antônio La Selva em Terra e Paixão – Foto: Reprodução/TV Globo Por Rafael Belmont Anely fará Antônio cair no choro Nos próximos capítulos de…
Blocos e Bandas de Carnaval agora são manifestação da cultura nacional
Foi aprovado nesta segunda-feira (30), na Câmara dos Deputados, o projeto de lei que reconhece os Blocos e Bandas de Carnaval como manifestação da cultura nacional. De autoria da deputada federal Maria do Rosário (PT-RS), a relatoria foi de um dos parlamentares mais conhecidos do carnaval de rua carioca: o deputado federal Tarcísio Motta (PSOL).…
Desperate civilians in Gaza scramble for food as civil order breaks down
Desperate civilians in Gaza scramble for food as civil order breaks down – CBS News Watch CBS News Israel says its war is only with Hamas, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has flatly rejected calls for an immediate cease-fire, but the toll has been immense for the roughly 2 million people who live in the…
Irmãos Melim anuncia pausa na banda, durante gravação do “Altas Horas”: “É um encerramento de ciclo”
Entretenimento Agora, o foco é a carreira solo de cada um Por Gabrielle Junqueira 31/10/2023 – 11:47hs BRT 31/10/2023 – 11:47hs BRT Os irmãos Melim anunciam pausa na banda. Foto: reprodução/Instagram Por Gabrielle Junqueira Fim de uma era em família Ao gravar o programa “Altas Horas”, da TV Globo, na última segunda (30), os irmãos…
Stillman Professor Wins Teaching Innovation Award
Karen Boroff, pictured with Vana M. Zervanos, Ed.D., MBA, who chaired the award selection committee on behalf of MAACBA and who also serves as the associate dean of the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph’s University. Karen Boroff, Ph.D. has earned the prestigious 2023 Innovation in Teaching Award from the Middle Atlantic Association of…
Central Axis-related book fair draws antique enthusiasts
Photo: VCG A book fair, featuring old books related to Beijing’s Central Axis, was held in the Chinese capital recently, gathering tens of thousands of old books and a wide array of cultural products and drawing book enthusiasts to explore and make purchases. Ten stores, including the Liulichang branch of the China Bookstore, showcased various…
Etapa temática gera propostas sobre Direito à Cidade rumo à 4ª CNC
Três propostas que poderão virar políticas para o futuro das cidades serão levadas à 4ª Conferência Nacional de Cultura (4ª CNC) no próximo ano. As sugestões foram debatidas e aprovadas na última quarta-feira (25), durante a Conferência Temática Culturas e Cidade: Periferias, Direito à Cidade, Patrimônio Popular e Arquitetura, realizada no Memorial Darcy Ribeiro, na…