Homes for the Holiday: 2023 Holiday Home Tour set for Dec. 3
The 2023 Holiday Home Tour is slated to take place from 1 to 5:30 p.m. Dec. 3. Hosted by the Fremont County Community Concert Association, the event is a self-guided tour through distinctive and/or historical area homes decorated for the holidays and features a variety of Christmas styles. Included in the tour are several affectionately…
Bags of food provided for families in need
CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (WVIR) – The Emergency Food Network and the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center will offer support to families in need over the winter break. This is the third year that Emergency Food Network and CATEC have provided bags of food and cleaning supplies to high school students and families over the holiday break. “We…
Houston Public Library launches self-service book kiosk at Hobby Airport
Hobby Airport Houston Public Library opened a BOOKLink self-service kiosk at Hobby Airport on Nov. 16, 2023. Travelers at Hobby Airport no longer need to get on a plane to be transported to another place. They can take virtual vacations by immersing themselves into books, which now are available for free and in both handheld…
4 Favorable E-Commerce Niches For Innovative Startups
New technologies like blockchain and AI have been in the spotlight in the past years. Yet, new technologies wouldn’t be that exciting if they couldn’t find a receptive environment – at least one industry in which they can create added value and specific niches that they can disrupt and grow. While e-commerce is as old…
Impa divulga edital de seu primeiro curso de graduação | Empregos & Negócios
O Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada (Impa) divulgou nesta segunda-feira (27) o edital de seleção de estudantes para o IMPA Tech, seu primeiro curso de graduação. O bacharelado em Matemática da Tecnologia e Inovação vai começar em 2024, no Porto Maravalley, polo de tecnologia desenvolvido pela Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, na zona portuária…
Divino Afro gera momentos de cultura e inclusão no Município
A Prefeitura de Divinópolis, através da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura (Semc), em parceria com o Conselho Municipal de Promoção da Igualdade Racial (Compir), promoveu no último final de semana, a primeira edição do “Divino Afro”. No sábado (25/11), o Divino Afro encantou o público com uma variedade de apresentações, celebrando a diversidade cultural. O Grupo…
FLOR DE TOLOACHE: Revolutionizing Latin Music with Edgy Flair
Returning to SLO after their incredible 2019 show, this Latin Grammy-winning all-female ensemble is revolutionizing traditional Latin American music with their edgy, versatile flair. Transcending culture and gender, they’ve enchanted global audiences with three albums and a fresh rock-inspired compilation. Experience their boundary-breaking fusion and be captivated by their unique sound. “Flor de Toloache stuns…
Permission to Pay: Technologies touted as fix for health insurance frustrations draw criticism, legal action
(InvestigateTV) — Amanda Bredlow knew seeking medical assistance to grow her family would likely be a challenging journey physically, emotionally and financially. What she didn’t expect were the piles of paperwork and hours of phone calls with an insurance company over coverage of those fertility treatments — a process that she said seemed devoid of…
Timothée Chalamet’s ‘Wonka’ Press Tour Looks Confirm He’s a Fashion Risk Taker
The Gen-Z-coined label of “Fashion girlie” knows no binary, proving to be somewhat of a linguistic nightmare but also an all-inclusive badge of honor. The term’s ubiquitous flexibility has permitted interesting and unexpected icons to earn the title. The next trendsetter bound to the label? Timothée Chalamet—because, of course, it is. The 27-year-old has won…
Just a Casual List of Celebrities Who Dated NFL Players to Keep Traylor Company
Tom and Gisele first got together after being set up on a blind date, got married in 2009, and sadly split in October 2022 (still not over it, give me a moment). Gisele opened up about their divorce to Vanity Fair in early 2023, saying: “When I was 26 years old and he was 29…