Museum reclassifies Roman emperor as trans woman
By Yasmin RufoCulture reporter PHAS Debate over whether Roman emperor Elagabalus was transgender has split academics A museum is to relabel its display about a Roman emperor after concluding that he was in fact a trans woman. North Hertfordshire Museum will now refer to emperor Elagabalus with the female pronouns of she and her. It…
Marshall student returns to a special place to complete Health Sciences Capstone
After an unforgettable summer of compassion, Marshall University student Lauren Barr has left a lasting mark on the lives of medically complex children at the Center for Courageous Kids in Scottsville, Kentucky. Barr began her journey with a desire to make a difference and chose Marshall for its sense of family and renowned Health Sciences…
Para secretária de Cultura, área vive “momento histórico”
A secretária de Cultura do Estado do Paraná, Luciana Casagrande Pereira, afirmou nesta terça-feira (21), na Assembleia Legislativa do Paraná, que o setor do cultural paranaense vive um “momento histórico” em relação ao fomento e investimentos financeiros. De acordo com ela, isso se deve ao volume de recursos vindos da Lei Paulo Gustavo destinados ao…
Após boatos de traição e flagras, Neymar e Bruna Biancardi estariam ensaiando reconciliação com a ajuda de amigos, afirma portal
Entretenimento Os dois passaram um feriado em Mangaratiba Por Lauren Berger 21/11/2023 – 13:08hs BRT 21/11/2023 – 13:08hs BRT Neymar e Bruna Biancardi teriam se reconciliado. Reprodução/Instagram/@neymarjr. Por Lauren Berger Reataram? Segundo informações do portal Extra, Bruna Biancardi e Neymar estariam ensaiando uma reconciliação. Os dois estariam tendo a ajuda dos amigos para voltarem o…
Scientists paid large publishers over $1 billion in four years to have their studies published with open access
For the last half century, scientists have followed the same method to publish their research. For example, a scientist discovers a treatment for cancer, other researchers check that the data is correct, and the final results are published in a study in an academic journal. If it is not published, it is not science. However,…
From Tragedy to Change: Koepke Embraces Neck Safety Gear
In a move stirring both the hockey community and safety advocates, Tampa Bay Lightning’s left wing, Cole Koepke, has taken a significant step towards personal safety by adopting a neck guard during games. This decision comes in the wake of a tragic incident involving Adam Johnson, a former Pittsburgh Penguins player and fellow University of…
Jenna Lyons Dishes on all That RHONY Gifting Drama
What’s your favorite kind of gift to receive? Is there anything in particular on your wishlist this season? The way I shop for gifts is that I always buy something that I’d want to receive. Unfortunately, I shop a lot. But one of my favorite things to get—I know this is strange—is socks. I’ll tell…
Portugal Sets Renewable Energy Milestone with Six-Day Streak
In a remarkable demonstration of green energy prowess, Portugal has set a new national record by exclusively relying on renewable energy sources for 149 hours straight—from the dawn of October 31 to the morning of November 6. This achievement not only surpasses its own previous record but also places the country at the forefront of…
Apesar da tecnologia, governos ainda preferem viver no
Entra governo, sai governo e a história se repete. Seja de direita, de esquerda, de centro, de cima ou de baixo, pouco importa. Os responsáveis pela gerência institucional do país insistem em negar ou desprezar a tecnologia para ter sempre uma saída rápida dos constrangimentos através da porta aberta para o ‘Reino do Não Sabia’.…
Aztecs Sign Charlotte Roesch
Story Links SAN DIEGO – On Tuesday, San Diego State women’s tennis announced the signing of Charlotte Roesch for the Fall of 2024. She hails from Stuttgart, Germany and is currently ranked No. 27 in the German Junior rankings and No. 147 in the German women’s rankings. “We are very excited to have Charlotte joining the…