Six Books That Might Change How You Think About Mental Illness
In 2021, Simone Biles and Naomi Osaka, two of the world’s most highly lauded athletes, walked away from major competitions to protect their mental health. In a field that elevates “toughness” and “grit,” both drew major attention for candidly prioritizing wellness above achievement. Their decisions, and the headlines about them, reflected a new cultural willingness—in…
Encontro de Culturas Tradicionais da Chapada dos Veadeiros recebe inscrições para a Feira de Experiências Sustentáveis do Cerrado – Secretaria de Estado de Cultura
Artesãos interessados em participar podem se inscrever até o dia 27 de novembro, via edital disponível no site da Casa de Cultura Cavaleiro de Jorge A Casa de Cultura Cavaleiro de Jorge apresenta, de 13 a 17 de dezembro, o Encontro de Culturas Tradicionais da Chapada dos Veadeiros – Edição Especial Educação Que Transforma, na…
These 5 Celebrities Prove Blonde Is The New It Color
Hellobeautiful Featured Video CLOSE Source: David Becker – Formula 1 / Getty It’s the dawn of the blonde hair color era. Thanks to celebrities like Rihanna, this hair hue has been brought to the forefront of style once again, and rightfully so. Blonde is a popping shade that looks exotic when paired with brown skin tones.…
Firozabad News: शराब के नशे में कार पर रखकर चलाए पटाखे, विरोध पर महिला को पीटा
संवाद न्यूज एजेंसी, फिरोजाबाद Updated Tue, 21 Nov 2023 01:02 AM IST फिरोजाबाद। थाना लाइनपार क्षेत्र में दिवाली पूजन के बाद शराब के नशे में ईको कार पर पटाखे चलाने का विरोध करने पर दबंगों ने महिला की बेरहमी से पिटाई कर दी। पुलिस ने घटना के आठ दिन बाद मुकदमा दर्ज किया है। इस…
3 Sustainable Fashion Stocks Set to Redefine the Industry
In the realm of the clothing sphere, notorious for its environmental footprint, a transformation is underway. Global brands that are typically part of the problem are now passionately championing the cause of sustainable fashion. Moreover, these companies are revising their operational blueprints, sourcing organic materials, endorsing ethical production practices, and investing in renewable energy. This…
Corewell Health Named a Leading Inclusion Index Company
Awards, Corewell Health System Recognized nationally as one of 38 organizations as leader in creating inclusive workplace November 20, 2023 GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Nov. 20, 2023 – Corewell Health™ was named to professional services and research firm Seramount’s 2023 Inclusion Index. The recognition measures three key areas of an organization: best practices in the recruitment,…
MC Mirella se irrita ao ser questionada sobre como vai cuidar da filha sem babá e dispara: “Povo meio perturbado”
Entretenimento A cantora disse que muitos internautas vêm dizendo que ela terá dificuldades para dormir e a famosa compartilhou algumas experiências Por Julia Beraldi 20/11/2023 – 16:31hs BRT 20/11/2023 – 16:31hs BRT MC Mirella com expressão de seriedade – Foto: Instagram/MC Mirella Por Julia Beraldi Questionamentos sobre cuidados com a filha MC Mirella está grávida…
New study looks at environment and pancreatic cancer – around the person and tumor
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) — Pancreatic cancer has long had one of the lowest survival rates. But progress is being made, with new combinations of treatments. Now, local researchers are taking a fresh approach to understanding this cancer. Last December, Bill Ferraro didn’t know why his stomach felt full so quickly. “Being a typical guy, it was…
At Long Last, Urban One Releases Q1, Q2 Earnings | Radio & Television Business Report
The July 12 change of Urban One’s independent registered public accounting firm from BDO to EY, a decision prompted by the company’s discovery of “immaterial errors” in its accounting for its stock-based compensation and its investment in the operations of its now-scuttled Richmond casino joint venture, meant the nation’s foremost home for African American-centric audio and video…
Cultura divulga resultado preliminar da Lei Paulo Gustavo
A Secretaria Municipal da Cultura divulgou na tarde desta segunda-feira (20), no Diário Oficial Eletrônico da Prefeitura de Cachoeira do Sul, a lista de inscritos e o resultado preliminar da análise de mérito cultural dos projetos para firmar termo de execução cultural com recursos da Lei Paulo Gustavo. No total foram 47 projetos inscritos. Na…