Orphaned mountain lion sisters find new home at California zoo
The two sisters are tiny – only five and a half pounds, and about two months old. They have giant eyes and mottled patches on their fur. Found in a backyard five days after their mother was hit on Highway 280 in northern California, the mountain lions headed to a new home at the Oakland…
Projeto da Praça CEU usa tecnologia como ferramenta na luta antirracista – Portal PJF
Como parte das atividades que comemoram o Novembro Negro, a Praça CEU (Centro de Artes e Esportes Unificados Coronel Adelmir Romualdo de Oliveira) lançou um projeto que usa a tecnologia como aliada na luta antirracista. Sob orientação do articulador cultural Vasciscley Ribeiro, as alunas da oficina de informática, Cláudia Moreira e Jacquelyne Oliveira, criaram um…
नीति आयोग ने सर्कुलर इकोनॉमी स्टार्टअप को आगे बढ़ने में मदद के लिए लॉन्च किया नया एक्सेलेरेटर
AIM-नीति आयोग ने ऑस्ट्रेलियाई और भारतीय सर्कुलर इकोनॉमी स्टार्टअप को आगे बढ़ने में मदद के लिए नया एक्सेलेरेटर प्रारंभ किया
Marguerite Silva apresenta “Tributo Biográfico Musical Nina Simone: A Alta Sacerdotisa do Jazz”
O Salão Mourisco da BPE apresentará, no dia 30 de novembro, às 20h, a cantora Marguerite Silva para homenagear a sacerdotisa do Jazz, Nina Simone, em um tributo repleto de grandes sucessos da artista na Biblioteca Pública do Estado (BPE), instituição vinculada à Secretaria de Estado da Cultura (Sedac). A entrada é gratuita. O evento…
From Classic to Trendsetting: The Evolution of Jeans Fashion Over Decades
The evolution of jeans fashion over the last few decades is a testament to the adaptability and timelessness of this iconic garment. (Image: Pexels) Jeans, once synonymous with workwear and rugged durability, have undergone a remarkable transformation over the last few decades. What started as a practical garment for laborers and miners in the late…
How Technology Impacts Your Daily Life? Expert Ways Tech Can Improve Your Health And Lifestyle
The impact of smart mobility on health is a crucial aspect of this technological evolution. Elevators and escalators, equipped with predictive maintenance and touchless controls, contribute to a healthier lifestyle. Reduced stress through efficient routing and decreased wait times positively influences mental health. Additionally, the integration of these technologies aligns with the growing environmental consciousness,…
हलाल पर यूपी सरकार का एक्शन जारी… रेड में मेवे और अनाज पैकेट किए सीज
उत्तर प्रदेश के कई जनपदों में मंगलवार को खाद्य प्रदार्थो पर हलाल सर्टिफिकेशन को लेकर छापेमारी हुई है. राजधानी लखनऊ से लेकर मुजफ्फरनगर, अलीगढ़ और अन्य जिलो में फूड डिपार्टमेंट की रेड जारी है. मुजफ्फरनगर में मॉर मॉल पर रेड के दौरान टीम को अनाज के प्रोडक्ट पर हलाल का सर्टिफिकेशन मिला है. इसके बाद टीम ने उन सभी प्रोडक्ट…
West Herr Chevrolet Of East Syracuse Delivers Thanksgiving Turkeys And Food
FULTON – West Herr Chevrolet of East Syracuse, a proud member of the West Herr Automotive Group, the largest dealer group in New York State, is thrilled to announce an exciting initiative aimed at spreading Thanksgiving cheer in Central New York. As part of their commitment to giving back to the community, they have organized…
This Charming Florida Cottage Was Made For Holiday Hosting
When Nicklaus and Sid Williams-Heath moved to Nicklaus’ hometown of Gulf Breeze, Florida, they built their house with holiday hosting in mind. In fact, their first Christmas party, an annual caroling gathering that doubles as Sid’s birthday bash, took place in the studs of the home before it was even finished. “All we had was…
Health Care Roundup: Market Talk
Nov. 21, 2023 7:33 am ET The latest Market Talks covering the Health Care sector. Published exclusively on Dow Jones Newswires at 4:20 ET, 12:20 ET and 16:50 ET. 0912 GMT – Bayer is facing challenges on multiple fronts that hasten the need to look at strategic options, Jefferies analysts say in a note. The…