Children’s and teens roundup – the best new chapter books
In his memoir, Many Different Kinds of Love, Michael Rosen hoped to recover from Covid to write a book “about a French dog called Gaston le Dog”. The former children’s laureate survived. Now here’s the book. Pitched at the youngest end of chapter tales, The Incredible Adventures of Gaston le Dog (Walker Books) follows a…
OnePlus AI Music Studio: एआई के साथ बनाएं खुद का गाना, वनप्लस म्यूजिक स्टूडियो का ऐसे करें इस्तेमाल – How To Make Music Using OnePlus AI Music Studio
क्या आप भी खुद का म्यूजिक क्रिएट करना चाहते हैं। अगर हां तो ये जानकारी आपके काम की हो सकती है। वनप्लस के साथ ऐसा करना मुमकिन है। जी हां वनप्लस इंडिया के साथ भारतीय यूजर्स एआई की मदद की खुद का म्यूजिक क्रिएट कर सकते हैं। वनप्लस के एआई म्यूजिक स्टूडियो (OnePlus AI Music…
5-minute workouts to restart your fitness journey | The Times of India
Doing jumping jacks can elevate your heart rate, improving cardiovascular endurance. It engages multiple muscle groups, promoting overall muscle tone. It also helps in increasing circulation, delivering a quick burst of energy. How to do it:Stand with feet together and arms at your sides.Jump while spreading your arms and legs.Return to the starting position and…
How Do You Treat Waiters?
The way you treat others offers a window into the type of person you are. Your interaction with people, whose job it is to serve you, reflects on your character and offers a glimpse into the way they will react to you. When you behave in a condescending manner, you are sure to elicit a…
‘Totally awesome’ forever: Welcome to the 1980s wonderland of Denver
DENVER • Big-haired rockers play on a TV. “The Facts of Life” sitcom plays on another. Galaga awaits on another. Come on a Saturday morning, and it’ll be cartoons on the screens. Those color-changing T-shirts — Hypercolor, they were called — wait to be worn again. They are for sale on one rack. The shelves…
Elas por Elas: Desesperada, Taís conta a verdade sobre caso com Átila; Modelo era amante do falecido marido de Lara
Entretenimento Nos próximos capítulos, Taís abrirá o jogo sobre o segredo que está a deixando desesperada Por Juliana Gomes 19/11/2023 – 10:25hs BRT 19/11/2023 – 10:25hs BRT Taís conta a verdade sobre caso com Átila – Foto: Reprodução/Globo Por Juliana Gomes Caso entre Átila e Taís Em Elas por Elas, Taís (Késia Estácio) vem sentindo…
Shivpuri News: MP में हेल्थ सिस्टम की शर्मनाक तस्वीर, नहीं पहुंची एंबुलेंस तो महिला ने ऑटो में दिया लाड़ली लक्ष्मी को जन्म
शिवपुरी: मध्य प्रदेश के स्वास्थ्य विभाग की पोल खोलने वाली एक घटना सामने आई है। शिवपुरी में 108 एंबुलेंस को कॉल करने के बाद भी एंबुलेंस नहीं पहुंची। जिसके बाद परिजन ऑटो से गर्भवती महिला को अस्पतला लेकर जा रहे थे। रास्ते में ही महिला ने बच्ची को जन्म दिया। दरअसल, जिले के तेंदुआ थाना…
Pianist Donald Vega’s new album ‘As I Travel’ featured on WBGO’s New Day, New Play November 20-24
For pianist Donald Vega, his travels began at 14, fleeing Nicaragua, in the midst of war, to the U.S., where his piano talents would have him working with Billy Higgins, John Clayton, and today, where he holds the piano chair in Ron Carter’s Golden Striker Trio that also features Russell Malone on guitar. For this…
PRI: Capacity building for digital finance in Bangladesh is pertinent
The Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh (PRI) on Sunday organized a training program for journalists, where they engaged journalists and media representatives in technical and policy discussion on issues related to digital finance system (DFS) and financial inclusion in Bangladesh.Titled “New Dimensions of Digital Financial Services in Bangladesh”, the training program was organized as part…
Driver flees scene of 7-car crash on Belt Parkway, NYPD says
At least 7 hurt in 7-car crash on Belt Parkway At least 7 hurt in 7-car crash on Belt Parkway 00:34 NEW YORK — Police are looking for a driver who fled a seven-car crash on the Belt Parkway on Saturday night. At least seven people were hospitalized, including two in critical condition, according to…