शिशु के लिए घर पर तैयार करें रागी से बेबी फूड पाउडर, एक्सपर्ट से जानें रेसिपी और फायदे
शिशु के 6 महीने पूरे होने के बाद उनकी डाइट में मां के दूध के अलावा अन्य खाद्य पदार्थ भी शामिल कर दिए जाते हैं। पेरेंट्स अपने बच्चे को हेल्दी बनाने के लिए कई तरह के हेल्दी फूड्स खिलाने लगते हैं। मार्केट में मिलने वाले ऐसे कई प्रोडक्ट्स हैं जो पेरेंट्स अपने बच्चों को खिलाना…
Ramnagar Fire News: गाड़ी के टायर, कबाड़ के बोरों में लगी आग, कड़ी मशक्कत के बाद पाया काबू
कबाड़ के बोरे में लगी आग – फोटो : अमर उजाला विस्तार यह वीडियो/विज्ञापन हटाएं काशीपुर रोड पर स्थित ट्रक यूनियन के सामने एक छोटा हाथी गाड़ी के टायर में अचानक आग लग गई। जिसकी वजह से पास में कबाड़ के बोरों में भी आग लग गई। आग लगने की सूचना पर फायर ब्रिगेड के…
One dead in France school stabbing
By George Wright BBC News A teacher has been killed and two people have been seriously injured in a knife attack at a school in France, officials say. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin said the attack happened at the Gambetta high school in the northern city of Arras. Local officials say the attacker has been arrested.…
खत्म होने को है पितृपक्ष, कार खरीदने का आ गया सही समय, Maruti दे रही है अपनी कारों पर 68 हजार की छूट
हाइलाइट्स मारुति ने अपनी सभी हैचबैक पर डिस्काउंट ऑफर किया है. सबसे ज्यादा बिकने वाली बलेनो पर 55 हजार तक की छूट दी गई है. ऑल्टो पर 68 हजार का डिस्काउंट ऑफर किया गया है. नई दिल्ली. देश भर में त्योहारी सीजन शुरू होने को है और पितृपक्ष खत्म हो रहा है. ऐसे में अब…
Telemetria melhora gestão do desempenho das operações agrícolas
Quando o produtor agrícola está adquirindo uma nova máquina, é comum ele observar que este equipamento apresenta um sistema de telemetria embarcada de série. Em tal sistema, os sensores da máquina coletam e transmitem remotamente os dados para que o agricultor monitore em tempo real as operações realizadas. Antes do surgimento desta tecnologia, a gestão…
13 Best Smart Home Gadgets For 2023
In the rapidly evolving era of technology, smart homes have become the epitome of convenience and comfort. With the promise of a seamless and interconnected living space, the demand for smart home gadgets continues to soar. As the year 2023 draws near, homeowners and tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the innovative devices that will shape the…
13 Best Smart Home Gadgets For 2023
In the rapidly evolving era of technology, smart homes have become the epitome of convenience and comfort. With the promise of a seamless and interconnected living space, the demand for smart home gadgets continues to soar. As the year 2023 draws near, homeowners and tech enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the innovative devices that will shape the…
Faculdade tem vagas em curso gratuito de ciência e tecnologia
A Ilum Escola de Ciência, faculdade ligada ao Centro Nacional de Pesquisa em Energia e Materiais (CNPEM), em Campinas (SP), abriu as inscrições para curso gratuito de ciência e tecnologia. São ofertadas 40 vagas para curso em tempo integral, sendo metade para alunos do ensino médio de escolas públicas de todo o Brasil. As inscrições…
This Gadget Turns A Smartphone Into A Thermal Imaging Camera
Until recently, thermal imaging cameras were bulky items used by firefighters and search and rescue teams. However, modern electronics have revolutionized this sector of the market, and it’s now possible to turn your smartphone into a professional thermal imaging camera. But why would you need a thermal imaging camera? Well, imagine a device you can…
This Gadget Turns A Smartphone Into A Thermal Imaging Camera
Until recently, thermal imaging cameras were bulky items used by firefighters and search and rescue teams. However, modern electronics have revolutionized this sector of the market, and it’s now possible to turn your smartphone into a professional thermal imaging camera. But why would you need a thermal imaging camera? Well, imagine a device you can…