MP election 2023: वोटर्स के लिए खुशखबरी, अंगुली की स्याही दिखाकर फूड आइटम और मूवी देखने इतना सारा discount
Jabalpur oi-Kartik Agnihotri | Published: Thursday, November 16, 2023, 23:56 [IST] MP election 2023: विधानसभा चुनाव में शत-प्रतिशत मतदान के लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने किये जा रहे प्रयासों के सिलसिले में एक और नवाचारी पहल के तहत जबलपुर शहर में स्थित होटलों एवं रेस्टोरेंट में ऐसे सभी मतदाताओं को खाद्य सामग्री में दस प्रतिशत तक…
Saharanpur News: घर के सामने खेल रहे बच्चे को कार ने कुचला, मौत
संवाद न्यूज एजेंसी, सहारनपुर Updated Thu, 16 Nov 2023 11:56 PM IST सहारनपुर। खटियार विहार कॉलोनी में मकान के सामने खेल रहे तीन वर्षीय बच्चे को तेज रफ्तार कार ने कुचल दिया। हादसे के बाद भीड़ ने आरोपी चालक को मौके पर ही पकड़ लिया, जिसकी पिटाई कर दी गई। यह वीडियो/विज्ञापन हटाएं खटियार विहार…
Selena Gomez’s 32 Best Fashion Moments
It can be hard to go from “child star” to “serious adult actor,” but—as Selena Gomez can attest—an important part of that evolution is through your clothes. The child actor from Wizards of Waverly Place (and before that Barney and Friends!) evolved her sartorial style from young teen with a cool style to adult star.…
AI roundup: HEALWELL AI buys LLMs, Forward to roll out staffless
Companies are expanding their reach with artificial intelligence through acquisitions, investments and government approvals on a near daily basis. These are just some of the AI health tech announcements we’re watching unfold this week. HEALWELL AI to acquire majority control of Pentavere HEALWELL AI debuted last month after partnering with WELL Health Technologies, which provides…
Children in Mental-Health Crisis Are Turning to Hospital E.R.s for Help
“Five years ago, I would be traumatized at the idea that my child is in a suicidal crisis stabilization situation in the emergency department,” Lipman, himself an administrator at a different hospital system, said. “Now we’ve gotten to the point where it’s ingrained in our day-to-day lives, which is abnormal.” Their son’s bedroom at the…
Cultura: Mais de 130 projetos são inscritos na Lei Paulo Gustavo em Cambé
A Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura divulgou que 132 projetos foram inscritos no edital da Lei Complementar nº 195/2022, a Lei Paulo Gustavo. Ao todo, serão distribuídos R$ 926.382,44 em diversas categorias de produção cultural audiovisual, demais setores e premiações. Agora, os projetos passarão por análise de mérito cultural. O resultado final será publicado…
Understanding Palestine’s colonial, intergenerational trauma from a mental health perspective
In Palestine, trauma does not sit alone with the individual, and it does not lie idle in the past. Millions of people in a densely populated sliver of land are facing a persistent loss of home, land and safety. One out of 200 people has died in Gaza since October 7. Every hour, on average,…
Aníbal Moreno conhece Academia de Futebol do Palmeiras; veja o vídeo
O Palmeiras anunciou nesta quarta (15) a contratação do volante Aníbal Moreno, do Racing, reforço para 2024. O jogador veio ao Brasil nesta segunda (13) para fazer exames médicos, assinar contrato e conhecer as dependências da Academia de Futebol, CT do Verdão na Barra Funda, em São Paulo. Veja vídeo abaixo. A contratação foi sacramentada…
Man arrested after causing fiery 5-car pileup, police say
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – A man was arrested after he allegedly caused a five-car chain crash on Oct. 28, where one car caught fire trapping the driver inside. Charles Smith, 45, was arrested by Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office deputies on an active warrant. Smith was charged with the following: Aggravated assault by recklessness Reckless endangerment…
The National: discover the music video for “Laugh Track”
The animated clip for the collaboration between The National and Phoebe Bridgers was directed by Bernard Derrimen. The National and Phoebe Bridgers laugh to keep from collapsing in the animated new music video for their recent collaboration, “ Laugh Track “. The clip was directed and animated by Bernard Derrimen, who recently directed Bob’s Burgers:…