Men’s Basketball Set For Lehigh Sunday – University of North Carolina Athletics
Story Links • Coming off an 86-70 season-opening win over Radford, the Tar Heels return to the Dean E. Smith Center for game two of a three-game homestand to play Lehigh on Sunday, November 12.• Lehigh is 0-2 with an 84-78 home loss to Cornell on November 6 and a 74-65 loss at Penn State…
3D surgical instrument collection for computer vision and extended reality
Abstract The availability of computational hardware and developments in (medical) machine learning (MML) increases medical mixed realities’ (MMR) clinical usability. Medical instruments have played a vital role in surgery for ages. To further accelerate the implementation of MML and MMR, three-dimensional (3D) datasets of instruments should be publicly available. The proposed data collection consists of…
Celebrities give a boost to more menopause discussions
Pop culture depictions of puberty are common. TV, movies, books and music all frequently showcase the tumult of tweens coming of age. Until recently, the same could not be said of the reverse puberty many women experience as their hormones shift approaching the end of their periods in middle age. Then along comes former first…
The CASA theory no longer applies to desktop computers
Abstract The Computers Are Social Actors (CASA) theory is the most important theoretical contribution that has shaped the field of human–computer interaction. The theory states that humans interact with computers as if they are human, and is the cornerstone on which all social human–machine communication (e.g., chatbots, robots, virtual agents) are designed. However, the theory…
Food insecurity, low household income raises risk for MASLD in adolescents
November 11, 2023 2 min read Add topic to email alerts Receive an email when new articles are posted on Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-loading-text="Loading ” data-action=”subscribe”> Subscribe Added to email alerts We were unable to process your request.…
Reviving Montezuma Pass: Sky Island Alliance’s bold initiative to rewild decommissioned roads
Emily Burns, program director for SIA said closeby, there was once an oak grove in 2020, that was bulldozed for a parking lot for federal border wall construction. Although construction was canceled, scars were still left on the landscape. “A road was cut in on the slopes of the Huachuca Mountains there, so that (the)…
Atomistic-geometry inspired structure-composition-property relations of hydrogen sII hydrates
Abstract Gas hydrates are crystalline inclusion compounds formed by trapping gas molecules inside water cages at high pressures and low temperatures. Hydrates are promising materials for hydrogen storage, but their potential depends on understanding their mechanical properties. This work integrates density functional theory (DFT) simulations with a geometry-inspired composite material model to explore the bulk…
The ambient air quality standards, green innovation, and urban air quality: evidence from China
Abstract As China’s economy transitions, environmental issues have become a major concern. This study examines the impact of Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS) on urban air quality using panel data from 284 cities in China from 2006 to 2019. The study utilizes DID (Difference-in-Difference) models to analyze the regulatory effects of AAQS and its spatial…
High diet quality indices associated with lower risk of lipid profile abnormalities in Taiwanese kidney transplant recipients
Abstract Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and its risk factors seem to be linked with deteriorated graft function and persists as the major cause of mortality in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs). Diet quality is associated with CVD prevention in the healthy population, however, less study focuses on KTRs. The study aimed to determine the association between diet…
Ex-goleiro do Bahia, Omar busca retornar ao futebol após quatro anos suspenso por doping
“Sempre que eu encontro torcedores do Bahia, seja em São Paulo, ou em qualquer lugar do Brasil e do mundo, eles lembram de alguns jogos, como o do acesso em 2010, contra a Portuguesa…”. Essas são palavras de Omar, goleiro do Esquadrão no marcante jogo do retorno da equipe à elite do futebol brasileiro após…