How Tourists Escaped A Fiery West Maui After The Blaze
Normally thousands of visitors would be in the tourist mecca on any given day. But an organized effort by tourism officials helped get them out. Even as the fires in Lahaina were still burning, even before top state officials knew the magnitude of the disaster, a handful of tourism managers on Maui moved quickly to…
What’s the best diet for your body? A federal study aims to find out.
The federal government wants you — yes, you — to join a large and ambitious diet study that could change the way we think about the best foods to eat for optimal health. For the most part, nutrition experts know what constitutes a healthy diet. The government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourages people to eat…
9 Foods a Neurosurgeon Eats To Keep His Brain Young
Taking care of your brain on a regular basis is essential. After all, your brain supports your overall well-being; it controls your body’s functioning, communication, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities, according to the World Federation of Neurology. In fact, it’s probably the most treasured organ in your body. So naturally, you’re likely wondering what healthy habits…
Governo de Goiás promove ações culturais no mês do servidor público – Secretaria de Estado de Cultura
Programação da Secretaria da Cultura é gratuita e inclui exposições, feiras de artesanato e gastronomia, sarau de poesia e cinema, entre outras atividades Em comemoração ao Dia do Servidor Público, celebrado no próximo sábado (28/10), a Secretaria da Cultura (Secult), está promovendo uma programação especial durante todo o mês, que inclui exposições, feiras de artesanato…
Braided Temporalities: A Review of 35th Bienal de São Paulo (And A Recap of Past Highlights)
Torkwase Dyson, partial view of “Blackbasebeingbeyond,” 2023. Courtesy Fundação Bienal de São Paulo/Photo: Levi Fanan. I have been attending the São Paulo biennials since I moved here in the early 1980s. The event is one of the pillars of my views as an art historian after going to college abroad and having always loved art…
See the moon and Saturn take a night swim in Aquarius tonight
The moon and Saturn are set to meet up for a night swim tonight when the two celestial bodies make a close approach to each other in the constellation of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. During the close approach on Tuesday (Oct. 24), the moon will come to within 2 degrees of the south of Saturn.…
Column: Humans have driven 21 more species to extinction. Here’s why we should care
The removal of a species from the government’s endangered species list is often a cause for celebration, as it means a plant or animal variety has somehow beaten the odds and recovered from its parlous condition. That’s not the case for 21 animal species just delisted from the Endangered Species Act by the U.S. Fish…
Police: Man reports theft from locked locker at fitness facility
Bloomfield Township police are investigating a recently reported theft at an exercise facility. The alleged victim told police someone broke into his locked locker at Lifetime Fitness, 4106 Telegraph Rd., on Oct. 19, at around 7 p.m. Two credit cards and the SIM card from his iPhone were reportedly taken. Anyone with information on the…
โจรใต้วางระเบิดรถตำรวจ สภ.แว้ง เจ็บ 1 ราย ขณะขับนำสำนวนส่งที่ ภ.จว.นราธิวาส
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Tembici mostra novas bicicletas elétricas criadas em seu Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia
Um lugar para pensar como serão os produtos e serviços da mobilidade do futuro: esse é o propósito por trás do recém-lançado Centro de Inovação e Tecnologia da Tembici, em São Paulo. “Reunimos profissionais de competências diversas, como desenvolvimento de software, engenharia eletrônica e mecânica, para imaginar as bicicletas compartilhadas e outros serviços que ainda…