Brasil segura a pressão, vence o México e está na final no futebol no Pan
<!–> –> <!–> –> <!–> O Brasil vai disputar a medalha de ouro no futebol masculino nos Jogos Pan-Americanos de Santiago. A equipe de Ramon Menezes vai enfrentar o Chile na luta pelo topo do pódio, sábado, às 20h. –> A classificação aconteceu com vitória sobre o México por 1 a 0, na noite de…
MOW celebrates Senior Nutrition Center grand opening Thursday
On Thursday, Nov. 3, Meals on Wheels Yolo County hosts a grand opening event to celebrate the Winters Senior Nutrition Center which more than doubles the organization’s meal production capacity countywide.
College men’s basketball: 5 takeaways from Pitt’s exhibition victory against Pitt-Johnstown
<!– –> MENU <!– <a href="javascript: void(0)" onclick="window.open('https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=<<>>&text=’+encodeURIComponent(“<<>>”)+’&via=PittsburghPG’,”,’width=500,height=500′) “> –> ACCOUNT SECTIONS OTHER CLASSIFIEDS CONTACT US / FAQ <!– –> <!– –> <!– Removing 11/19/2018 –> <!– QUERYLY UPDATE –> <!– Removed 10.11.17 NM <script src='https://cdns.gigya.com/js/gigya.js?apiKey=’ type=’text/javascript’> { siteName: ‘post-gazette.com’ ,enabledProviders: ‘facebook’ } –> <!– IF{@RequestType="SECTION"&@SectionId="events"} Fix for events page Spingo bug History.init = function(){};…
Lời chân tình 'O Sen' Ngọc Mai gửi đến chồng cũ và ông xã Quốc Nghiệp
Dịp đón tuổi mới, ca sĩ Ngọc Mai viết thư bày tỏ tình cảm với những người quan trọng cùng quãng đời thăng trầm đã qua. Lần đầu, chị chia sẻ về chồng cũ – anh Tô. Theo bức thư, Ngọc Mai và anh Tô từng vượt nhiều thử thách để đến với nhau. Đám…
Brain power dropped among over-50s during Covid-19 pandemic, study shows
By Michelle Roberts Digital health editor The Covid pandemic may have impacted brain health in people in the UK aged 50 and over, according to a new study. More than 3,000 volunteers completed yearly questionnaires and online cognitive tests to measure changes in memory, and other faculties, as the pandemic unfolded. The results revealed a…
Especialistas em tecnologia usam inteligência artificial para ajudar nas buscas de reféns do Hamas
Forças israelenses afirmam que cerca de 240 pessoas sequestradas pelo Hamas seguem sob o poder do grupo terrorista na Faixa de Gaza. Especialistas em tecnologia realizam uma força-tarefa para ajudar na localização das vítimas com uso de inteligência artificial. Uma empresa criou um grupo para analisar milhares de vídeos postados diariamente nas redes sociais pela…
Com dificuldade, Brasil vence o México e está na final do futebol no Pan-Americano
Brasil vence o México por 1 a 0 e se garante na grande final do Pan-Americano, nesta quarta-feira (1), no Estádio Sausalito, Viña del Mar (CHI). Com gol contra de Tony Leone, a seleção encara o Chile na decisão, no sábado (4), no mesmo estádio.
ECU Health host ground breaking for new hospital
GREENVILLE, N.C. (WITN) – With shovels in hand and dirt piled up, healthcare and community leaders are celebrating breaking ground on a new behavioral health hospital in Greenville. “This is the next step in our evolution to provide care for Eastern North Carolina,” said ECU Health’s CEO Mike Waldrum. Mental health concerns are on the…
Visteon opens Warwick office as industry accelerates
A major technology company for the automotive industry has made the move to Warwick to be closer to one of its largest customers as the sector continues to accelerate. Visteon, which employs more than 10,000 people in 17 countries, has opened an office at Warwick Innovation Centre, part of the University of Warwick Science Park.…
What I learnt after experiencing ‘psychedelic flashbacks’
With psychedelic drug treatments accelerating towards approval in the US and elsewhere, Ed Prideaux investigates a disconcerting after-effect that is poorly understood. I looked down at the driveway and noticed the paving stones were still moving. I’d taken the drug just the night before and hadn’t slept, so I wasn’t too surprised to start with.…