Black Friday: Como comprar games digitais de presente
Saiba como aproveitar as promoções de novembro para presentear os amigos 1 nov 2023 – 13h56 (atualizado às 13h56) Compartilhar Saiba como comprar jogos de presente para os amigos durante a Black Friday Foto: Reprodução A Black Friday está chegando, e não existe época melhor para aproveitar descontos e promoções e aumentar a lista de jogos da…
Secretaria de Estado de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação – “Goiás será primeiro lugar no país em inteligência artificial”, afirma Caiado durante lançamento da AI Summit GO
O Governo de Goiás divulgou, na noite desta terça-feira (31/10), alguns dos participantes previstos para a AI Summit GO, conferência sobre inteligência artificial que vem sendo planejada pelo Estado, com data para o primeiro semestre de 2024. Durante lançamento oficial, no HUB Goiás, em Goiânia, foi confirmado o convite a empresários e pesquisadores da Finlândia,…
The 10 Best Foods for Menopause Symptoms
According to Women’s Health, another food to prioritize during menopause is protein. Sabat adds that protein is essential for bone health, hormone production, muscle health, and weight management, all of which can be affected during menopause. Sabat recommends focusing on lean meats that offer high-quality protein like chicken, fish, lean beef, and turkey. “They provide…
Mother, children rescued from burning car after crash near Village of Richfield
WASHINGTON COUNTY, Wis. (CBS 58) — A mother and three children are safe following a car crash on the border of the Village of Richfield and Town of Polk Wednesday morning, Nov. 1. According to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office, two vehicles collided at the intersection of Pioneer Road and Mayfield Road around 7:11 a.m.…
Borderland non-profits win recognition for promoting healthy eating initiatives in schools
LAS CRUCES, N.M. (KFOX14/CBS4) — Two borderland non-profits were recognized for their efforts in creating healthy eating initiatives in the community. The Paso del Norte Health Foundation recognized non-profits Border Partners and La Semilla in New Mexico. Border Partners– the nonprofit organization that helps people from both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border– recently launched a…
Whindersson Nunes deixa comentário ‘ousado’ em post de Lorena Maria e web reage: “Eu já shippo muito esses dois”
Entretenimento Muitos internautas entenderam o comentário do humorista como um flerte Por Guilherme Corte 01/11/2023 – 13:50hs BRT 01/11/2023 – 13:50hs BRT Whindersson (esquerda) e Lorena (direita) são apontados como possíveis affair. Foto 1: Instagram oficial de Whindersson Nunes. Foto 2: Instagram oficial de Lorena Maria. Por Guilherme Corte Whindersson comenta em post de atriz…
Car service worker hit by truck near Loop 323 in Tyler; pedestrian in ‘serious condition’
TYLER, Texas (KLTV) – A man in the parking lot of a car service center near South Loop 323 in Tyler was hit by a car that ran off the roadway Wednesday morning. According to Tyler Police Department Public Information Officer Andy Erbaugh, the person was in the parking lot of Hall Collision Center on…
City of College Station to be recognized with music-friendly city designation by Texas Music Office
The certification will be presented to Visit College Station at 6:30 p.m. at The Tap. COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The City of College Station is being recognized for its music talents that the city has fostered and allowed to blossom into major performing artists over the years. On Thursday, Nov. 2 at 6:30 p.m. at…
Cientistas inventam exoesqueleto que ajuda as pessoas a correr mais rápido
Cientistas da Universidade Chung-Ang, na Coreia do Sul, criaram um exoesqueleto capaz de ajudar corredores a percorrer distâncias curtas com mais rapidez. Para isso a invenção se utiliza de uma tecnologia baseada em cabos que se estendem pela perna da pessoa, fazendo com que ela se mova mais rapidamente. Segundo o site Oddity Central, os pesquisadores…
Scientists reveal structures of neurotransmitter transporter
The many faces of monoamine transporters There are two types of VMAT: VMAT1 and VMAT2. VMAT1 is more specialized, found only in neuroendocrine cells, whereas VMAT2 is found throughout the neuronal system and has significant clinical relevance. “We knew that VMAT2 is physiologically very important,” Lee said. “This transporter is a target for pharmacologically relevant…