Do celebrities pay for courtside seats in the NBA?
Courtside seats at NBA games are considered the ultimate symbol of prestige and wealth. These seats provide an unobstructed view of the game, and it’s an excellent way to showcase one’s status by being seen in these seats. NBA game cameras often capture glimpses of various celebrities seated courtside, adding to the exclusivity of the…
Route 100 reopens after crash with garbage truck and car
Oct 31, 2023, 10:28amUpdated 6m ago State police say a New Jersey driver was killed and teen critically injured in in crash in Somers on Monday. Police say Junior Polanco Brito, 36, of North Brunswick, was working as a Lyft driver. They say he was driving northbound on Route 100 in the southbound lanes when…
Reverse job fair offers collision repair talent & businesses new way to connect
<img width="300" height="200" src="https://news.myworldfix.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/iStock-598529560-300×200-1.jpg" class="attachment-medium size-medium wp-post-image jetpack-lazy-image" alt decoding="async" fetchpriority="high" data-attachment-id="150791" data-permalink="https://www.repairerdrivennews.com/?attachment_id=150791" data-orig-file="https://www.repairerdrivennews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/iStock-598529560.jpg" data-orig-size="2121,1414" data-comments-opened="0" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"3.5","credit":"Getty Images","camera":"Canon EOS 5D Mark III","caption":"Young African American man smiles while shaking hands with a businessman. The young man is interviewing for a position. He is wearing a plaid shirt and has short black hair and facial hair. People…
New local health initiatives taking shape across Indiana as novel state funding becomes available
Local health officials across Indiana are gearing up to receive their share of a historic wave of state funding meant to increase disease prevention efforts and improve Hoosiers’ overall well-being. The vast majority of Indiana’s counties opted to participate in a statewide program designed to revamp the state’s public health investment — which until now…
How CT’s ‘Hat House’ mixes tradition, identity, and fashion with truly eclectic styles
Hartford resident Dr. Celeste Ashe Johnson wears her favorite royal blue hat most Sundays while attending worship services at Urban Hope Refuge Church off Barbour Street in the city’s North End. The flashy sequins, feathers, diamonds, pearls, bows and buttons that adorn many of the over 100 hats she has collected over a lifetime are…
Warrrior Game Day : Women’s Basketball – Winona State University Athletics
Story Links Listen Live DES MONIES, Iowa – The Winona State University women’s basketball team will take on Drake University in an exhibition contest on Wednesday, Nov. 1 in Des Monies, Iowa. The Warriors and Bulldogs will tip off at 6 p.m. in the Knapp Center. Winona State embarks on the 2023-24 season under the…
3 Trends in Artificial Intelligence to Watch in 2024
Investor’s Business Daily recently provided one of the better definitions of artificial intelligence that I’ve seen. Specifically, it noted that “AI uses computer algorithms to replicate the human ability to learn and make predictions,” while adding that the technology “needs computing power to find patterns and make inferences from large quantities of data.” By enabling…
The latest food safety violations in Lebanon County
Subscribe to our free weekly headlines newsletter sent every Thursday at 11 a.m. Processing… Success! You’re on the list. Whoops! We couldn’t process your signup request. If you were accidentally unsubscribed from the newsletter, please email us at [email protected]. Will you support independent, non-partisan journalism? Become a champion of local news and unlock additional benefits…
The Highest-Paid Dead Celebrities Of 2023
The King of Pop reigns in the afterlife once more along with an all-star roster of performers—including Elvis, Whitney Houston and Prince—from the great beyond. Being dead isn’t the gig it used to be. The 13 deceased musicians, authors and other A-listers on Forbes’ annual ranking of the highest-paid dead celebrities earned some $470 million…
Toyota EPU พร้อมผลิตจริง ถ้าทำราคาได้ต่ำพอ
Toyota EPU รถกระบะไฟฟ้าอเนกประสงค์ต้นแบบรอการอนุมัติให้ผลิตจริง ถ้าสามารถหาทางทำให้ราคาจำหน่ายให้ต่ำพอที่จะแข่งขันได้ และอาจมีเวอร์ชั่นปลั๊กอินไฮบริดเป็นทางเลือก ไม่ใช่แค่รถยนต์ต้นแบบ Toyota EPU (โตโยต้า อีพียู) หรือ Toyota Electric Pick Up Concept ที่เผยโฉมในงาน Japan Mobility Show 2023 ในฐานะรถกระบะไฟฟ้าอเนกประสงค์ ซึ่งโมเดิร์นกว่ากระบะไฟฟ้าเพื่อการพาณิชย์อย่าง Toyota Hilux Revo BEV พร้อมผลิตจำหน่ายจริงถ้าสามารถหาทางทำให้ต้นทุนการผลิตต่ำลงจนสามารถแข่งขันกับรถในคลาสเดียวกันได้ Toyota EPU Concept ดีไซน์ภายนอก Toyota EPU Concept มีแนวคิดแตกต่างจาก Toyota Hilux Revo BEV โดยจะเป็นรถกระบะไฟฟ้าอเนกประสงค์ สำหรับโดยสาร บรรทุกอุปกรณ์ และกิจกรรมสันทนาการที่มีโครงสร้างตัวถังโมโนค็อกแบบ 4 ประตู บนแพลตฟอร์มสเกตบอร์ด ซึ่งมีพื้นด้านล่างวางแบตเตอรี่ขนาดใหญ่ ส่วนดีไซน์นั้นค่อนข้างโมเดิร์น ออกแบบโดยสตูดิโอของ Toyota ในสหรัฐอเมริกา (Toyota Calty Design…