Conselheiros municipais de Cultura tomam posse para mandato de dois anos
Os novos conselheiros de cultura de Blumenau, eleitos no dia 20 de agosto, tomaram posse na tarde desta segunda-feira, dia 30, no Auditório Carlos Jardim, da Secretaria Municipal de Cultura e Relações Institucionais (SMC). Os 20 representantes da sociedade civil e os outros 20 indicados pelo governo municipal têm a missão de formular estratégias para…
Amphibians have one more thing to worry about—mercury—large USGS study shows
A Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) during methylmercury sampling in Montana. The study, “Broad-scale Assessment of Methylmercury in Adult Amphibians,” which published today in the journal Environmental Science and Technology, brought together scientists from around the country to test more than 3,200 amphibians representing 14 species from 26 populations. “Amphibians are the most endangered group…
Jhajjar-Bahadurgarh News: नेहरू कॉलेज में फन एंड फूड फेस्टिवल शुरू
संवाद न्यूज एजेंसी, झज्जर/बहादुरगढ़ Updated Tue, 31 Oct 2023 01:33 AM IST झज्जर।राजकीय स्नातकोत्तर नेहरू महाविद्यालय में वाणिज्य परिषद के तत्वाधान में हारट्रॉन कंप्यूटर सेंटर के सहयोग से फन एंड फूड फेस्टिवल की थीम पर दो दिवसीय दीपोत्सव कार्यक्रम का शुभारंभ किया गया। यह वीडियो/विज्ञापन हटाएं कार्यक्रम का उद्घाटन के अवसर पर प्राचार्य डॉक्टर दलबीर…
Giant raises $550K to address student food insecurity
Weis Markets sued by EEOC, alleging sexual harassment The EEOC has charged in a lawsuit that Weis Markets Inc. subjected an employee to sexual harassment and then d[…] October 30, 2023
Why You Should Travel With Less Gear
Are you a chronic over-packer? Do you lug bags full of gear everywhere you go, just in case you need that rarely used accessory? While preparation is, of course, a good thing, there is a such thing as taking it too far. Packing lighter than you think you need to can actually be a good…
Conferência Municipal de Cultura reuniu artistas, produtores e convidados
A 4ª Conferência Municipal de Cultura de Itajaí reuniu, neste sábado (28), artistas, produtores, gestores, trabalhadores da cultura e convidados, na Secretaria Municipal de Educação. Os participantes debateram sobre os rumos da cultura na cidade, construíram uma carta com propostas relacionadas aos eixos temáticos que serão levadas para a Conferência Estadual, além de elegerem os…
Segunda rodada do Campeonato Rural inaugura novo campo de futebol do Barrocão de Baixo com o prefeito Zito Barbosa na torcida – Prefeitura de Barreiras
Domingo de festa e de bola rolando no novo campo de futebol do Barrocão de Baixo, tudo para receber a segunda rodada do Campeonato Rural 2023 que conta com 16 equipes participantes e 300 atletas de diversas localidades de Barreiras. O novo equipamento oferece aos atletas um espaço apropriado para as disputas, em um campo…
Man, 60, dragged 1,000 feet to death after falling beneath wheels of car pulling out of Bronx gas station
A 60-year-old man was dragged to death after he fell beneath the wheels of a car pulling out of a Bronx gas station, police said Monday. The victim fell in front of a 2013 Lincoln sedan whose driver was exiting a gas station on Jerome Ave. near Shakespeare Ave. about 5:20 p.m. Saturday, cops said.…
TICKETS GO ON SALE NOVEMBER 1ST SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 30, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Wonder Entertainment’s Christmas In Color drive-through spectacular lights up the night beginning mid November. This year the popular holiday attraction will have 5 locations for families and friends to experience the dazzling display. Tickets go on sale this week, November 1st,…
CMS Projections Show Pandemic-Related Trends in Health Care Spending
Starting by looking at 1970 to the present and projecting health care spending through 2031, CMS actuaries have projected annual changes in health expenditures in 9 overall categories: per capita health spending; per capita prescription drug spending; out-of-pocket health spending; per enrollee health spending by payer; total spending on hospitals, physicians and clinics, and retail…