Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas
Prefeitura Municipal de Campinas Seu navegador está desatualizado e não consegue exibir o conteúdo deste site. Segue abaixo algumas sugestões Navegadores Escolha um dos navegadores abaixo Microsoft Edge Clique aqui para baixar Google Chrome Clique aqui para baixar Mozilla Firefox Clique aqui para baixar Safari Clique aqui para baixar
Nelson Mandela Through His Daughter’s Eyes: A Unique Insight into the Life of a Global Icon
Nelson Mandela has long been an international symbol of wisdom, courage, and the relentless fight for justice. His remarkable journey from anti-apartheid revolutionary to President of South Africa has been meticulously documented through his autobiography “Long Walk To Freedom,” his presidential memoir “Dare Not Linger,” and various biographies, documentaries, and feature films. However, a new…
Joy Woods and Ryan Vasquez Set to Light Up Broadway in The Notebook Musical Adaptation
The world of Broadway is set to be graced with the powerful love story of Allie and Noah as the musical adaptation of Nicholas Sparks’s best-selling novel, The Notebook, makes its anticipated debut this spring. The casting announcement reveals that the talented Joy Woods and Ryan Vasquez will be reprising their roles as Middle Allie…
High Telehealth Use Linked to More Visits for Serious Mental Illness
By Anuja Vaidya October 31, 2023 – Receiving care from medical practices with higher telehealth use is associated with an increase in mental health visits among Medicare patients with serious mental illness, according to a new study. Published in JAMA Health Forum, the study assesses changes in mental health service use patterns and care quality during…
Famous Criminologist Says Retailers Vastly Underusing RFID Technology
If fraud, shoplifting and organized retail crime (ORC) were the only threats that retail executives needed to worry about, that would be hard enough. But theft by employees has risen too, plus cargo theft. Factor in distressing violence in shops — which makes it even harder to attract frontline employees — and the retail industry…
Começa instalação de novo sistema de semáforos com tecnologia 4G em Porto Alegre
Programa Sinal Verde busca reduzir congestionamentos e controlar trânsito com maior fluidez Foto: Maria Eduarda Fortes/Correio do Povo Começou na manhã desta terça-feira a instalação das novas placas em controladores semafóricos em Porto Alegre, com tecnologia sem cabos, compatível com 4G ou fibra óptica. A ação, ocorrida no eixo entre a avenida Loureiro da Silva…
Cineteatro São Luiz marcou presença em seminário promovido pelo MinC e MEC – Governo do Estado do Ceará
31 de outubro de 2023 – 14:29 #cinema #cineteatro são luiz #mec #MinC #seminário Ascom Cineteatro São Luiz – Texto e Fotos Evento reuniu representantes dos ministérios, Ipes e de entidades sociais Os ministérios da Cultura e da Educação realizaram, entre 25 e 27 de outubro em Brasília, o seminário “Diálogos da Educação Profissional e…
CBS travel editor Peter Greenberg on airline code-sharing to save big on flights
CBS travel editor Peter Greenberg on airline code-sharing to save big on flights – CBS Chicago Watch CBS News Here for our weekly travel update is CBS travel editor friend of The Stream, Peter Greenberg. View CBS News In Be the first to know Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting.…
कार खरीदते समय इस बात का जरूर रखें ध्यान, वरना पीटते रह जाएंगे सिर
नई कार खरीदने का प्लान बनाया है तो कोई ना कोई मॉडल पहले से जरूर डिसाइड किया होगा. कुछ लोग सोच तो लेते हैं कि नई कार खरीदनी है लेकिन ये नहीं पता होता कि कौन सी कार खरीदनी है. भारत जैसे देश में नई कार खरीदना किसी जंग से कम नहीं है. मार्केट में…