Fitness World and HeadsUpGuys Team Up to Fight Winter Blues
VANCOUVER, British Columbia/Unceded Territories of the Musqueam, Squamish, and Tsleil-Waututh Nation, Nov. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Fitness World, a local fitness organization, and HeadsUpGuys, a mental health support program based out of the University of British Columbia (UBC), have partnered to address the pressing issue of mental health challenges in men during the colder…
Sequence optimized diagnostic assay for Ebola virus detection
Abstract Rapid pathogen identification is a critical first step in patient isolation, treatment, and controlling an outbreak. Real-time PCR is a highly sensitive and specific approach commonly used for infectious disease diagnostics. However, mismatches in the primer or probe sequence and the target organism can cause decreased sensitivity, assay failure, and false negative results. Limited…
Jackie Sherrill and Mike Leach To Be Inducted Into the Texas Sports Hall Of Fame
Mississippi State Athletics Football November 01, 2023 Kelly Shipp, Associate Director/Communications Story Links STARKVILLE – A pair of former Mississippi State head football coaches, Jackie Sherrill and the late Mike Leach, will be inducted into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame as part of the 2024 Hall of Fame Class, the Texas Sports Hall of…
Glanbia: Guidance Increased Again, Driven by the Performance Nutrition Segment
We increase our fair value estimate for no-moat Glanbia GLB by 9% to EUR 14.2 following a solid third-quarter trading update and a full-year guidance upgrade. Management now expects to deliver 2023 adjusted EPS growth in the range of 17% to 20% from a range of 12% to 15% previously. We are also increasing our…
How to make a business case for lifestyle medicine
November 01, 2023 2 min read Add topic to email alerts Receive an email when new articles are posted on Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on . <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-loading-text="Loading ” data-action=”subscribe”> Subscribe Added to email alerts We were unable to process your request.…
Anybody Can Cook, But How Do We Learn?
Remove lid. Add room temperature water (6.4 fl. oz) to inside Fill Line. Place in microwave center. Microwave uncovered for four minutes on HIGH (1000W).* Let stand for one minute. Stir and enjoy! * Cooking time varies with microwave wattage. If you’re a college student, these instructions are probably familiar: they come from cup noodles.…
Personal motivations polarize people’s memories of the COVID-19 pandemic
RESEARCH BRIEFINGS 01 November 2023 How accurately a person recalls the COVID-19 pandemic is affected by motivational factors, including how they feel about their vaccination status. The recollections of vaccinated and unvaccinated people are skewed in opposite directions, leading to different retrospective narratives about the pandemic. This distorted recall influences how individuals evaluate past political…
Out-of-plane cations homogenise perovskite composition for solar cells
Abstract Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) composing the formula of FA1-xCsxPbI3 provide an attractive ption for integrating high efficiency, durable stability and compatibility with upscale fabrication. Despite the Cs cation incorporation potentially enabling a perfect perovskite lattice1,2, the compositional inhomogeneity caused by A-site cation segregation is likely detrimental to the photovoltaic performance of solar cells3,4. Here,…
Strange blobs in Earth’s mantle are relics of a massive collision
The protoplanet Theia, which was roughly the size of Mars, slammed into proto-Earth 4.5 billion years ago (artist’s impression).Credit: Hernán Cañellas For decades, scientists have been baffled by two large, mysterious blobs in Earth’s mantle. These rock formations are thousands of kilometres long and slightly denser than their surroundings, hinting that they are made of…
How would a starfish wear trousers? Science has an answer
Starfishes are weirdly shaped animals. Scientists have long puzzled over how a starfish body equates to the more typical animal arrangement of a head on one end and trunk or tail on the other. Humans wear trousers on the bottom of their trunks, so you could extrapolate out from that to suggest solutions to the…