Why more fashion retailers are charging return fees
Consumers are conditioned to free returns. But as retailers introduce fees, shoppers may need to start reaching into their wallets to send back purchases. Some of the biggest business winners of the Covid-19 pandemic were e-commerce retailers. In the US, Census Bureau data shows $571.2bn (£473bn) of goods were sold online in 2019. The next…
“Baixeza humana”: Diretor da seleção espanhola de futebol feminino critica Jenni Hermoso na polémica com Rubiales
Albert Luque, diretor de equipa da seleção espanhola de futebol feminino, criticou a “baixeza humana” de Jennifer Hermoso, numa troca de mensagens com uma amiga da avançada, revelada esta quinta-feira pelo jornal El Mundo. O dirigente referiu-se à polémica em torno do beijo de Luis Rubiales, ex-presidente da Real Federação Espanhola de Futebol (RFEF), à futebolista. …
Arthritis Pain Treatment: गठिया की समस्या में फायदा करेगा ये फूड आइटम, बगैर दवाई के कंट्रोल होगी बीमारी
हाइलाइट्स गठिया को किया जा सकता है कंट्रोल ज्वार है फायदेमंद आज ज्यादातर लोग गठिया की समस्या से जूझ रहे हैं. इससे पीड़ित लोगों को एक या उससे ज्यादा जोड़ों में दर्द और सूजन के गंभीर लक्षण दिखाई देते हैं. ये समस्या आमतौर पर उम्र के साथ बढ़ती जाती है और इसका कोई इलाज नहीं…
Gujarat Aajtak: क्रिकेट के महाकुंभ के लिए तैयार अहमदाबाद, मोटेरा स्टेडियम में पहुंच सकते हैं सवा लाख दर्शक
Gujarat Aajtak: क्रिकेट के महाकुंभ के लिए तैयार अहमदाबाद, मोटेरा स्टेडियम में पहुंच सकते हैं सवा लाख दर्शक अहमदाबाद के नरेंद्र मोदी स्टेडियम में क्रिकेट वर्ल्ड कप का पहला मुकाबला इंग्लैंड और न्यूजीलैंड के बीच खेला जाएगा. अहमदाबाद में इस मैच के लिए क्रिकेट के फैन्स बड़ी संख्या में जुटने लगे हैं. फैन्स के बीच…
Novo smartphone do Google usará IA no próprio dispositivo
O Google anunciou nesta quarta-feira que seu novo smartphone Pixel contará com modelos potentes de inteligência artificial (IA) generativa, que funcionarão de forma independente no dispositivo, a fim de competir com o último iPhone. O anúncio encerra a temporada de lançamentos de grandes dispositivos tecnológicos de outono, em que a Apple apresentou a série iPhone…
A Fazenda 15: Camilla de Lucas opina nas polêmicas de Cariucha e se posiciona contra as atitudes da peoa; “É realmente muito chato”
Entretenimento Camilla de Lucas deu sua opinião sobre as polêmicas de Cariucha dentro de A Fazenda 15 Por Vitor Tobias 04/10/2023 – 20:50hs BRT 04/10/2023 – 20:50hs BRT © Reprodução/TV Record – Instagram/@camilladelucasCamilla de Lucas opinou sobre as polêmicas de Cariuca Por Vitor Tobias Cariucha virou um dos principais rostos de A Fazenda 15, mas…
Migrant crisis: Sunak to urge ‘Europe-wide solutions’ at summit in Granada
By James Landale BBC diplomatic correspondent, Granada Rishi Sunak will call on Thursday for more co-ordinated European action to tackle the rising numbers of irregular migrants arriving on the continent’s borders. At a special summit of European leaders in Spain, the prime minister will say the situation is “immoral and unsustainable”. He will demand “creative…
Bears, birds and kangaroos: Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards
The finalists in this year’s Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards have been announced. Here is a selection of those that were whittled down from thousands of entries submitted from professional and amateur photographers from around the world, along with comment from the photographers. The winners will be announced on 23 November. Jason Moore, taken in Perth,…
The Iliad: The ultimate story about war
A new translation of Homer’s Iliad has just been published by Emily Wilson, who was the first woman to translate The Odyssey into English. The classicist and author Natalie Haynes talks to her about what the epic poem can tell us today. One of two great epic poems by Homer to survive from ancient Greece,…
Globo contrata nova comentarista para transmissões de futebol
Jéssica Cescon é a nova comentarista esportiva do Grupo Globo. A jornalista atuava na NSC TV, uma das afiliadas da rede em Santa Catarina. No ano de 2023, também participou do programa Redação Sportv, comandado por Marcelo Barreto, em duas oportunidades. Além de coordenadora de esportes da NSC TV, Jéssica participava de telejornais e jornadas…