Mike Woodson looking to lead Indiana basketball back to prominence
<!–> Indiana coach Mike Woodson returned to his alma mater for one reason — to win championships. Now entering his third season, Woodson and his team are still trying to win a conference title, and they think it’s time to end their drought. “My goal is nothing individually,” point guard Xavier Johnson said as he…
Flight cancellations down for August as global air travel reaches pre-pandemic levels
Oct. 24 (UPI) — Air travel cancellations dropped slightly for U.S. flights in August, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation, as global air travel numbers reach their pre-pandemic levels. Global air travel increased by approximately 47% in 2022 compared to the previous year, with the United Nations predicting that flights would return to, or…
Basketry, fused glass workshops in Chocorua, Sandwich
TAMWORTH — There are many workshops presented by ArtWorks Gallery at the Chocorua Creative Arts Center, some of which have sold out quickly so stay tuned. Only two remain on the schedule. Both require no prior experience so beginners are welcome. × This page requires Javascript. Javascript is required for you to be able to…
California Moves Ahead of the FDA and Bans Food Additives
California Moves Ahead of the FDA and Bans Food Additives Internet Explorer 11 is not supported For optimal browsing, we recommend Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers. The state’s new law will take effect in 2027 and will prohibit the manufacture and distribution of brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben and red dye No. 3, which…
Hawkeye Women’s Basketball Makes History with Kinnick Crossover Game | U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa
WASHINGTON – Iowa Sens. Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst introduced a resolution to honor the University of Iowa Women’s Basketball Program for its game at Kinnick Stadium benefiting the Stead Family Children’s Hospital. The measure recognizes the historic significance of the event and the lasting mark the team is leaving on female athletics. “Congrats to Hawkeye…
Virginia Tech Basketball Guard Rodney Rice To Transfer
Virginia Tech guard Rodney Rice is transferring. (Jon Fleming) On Tuesday, Virginia Tech men’s basketball head coach Mike Young announced guard Rodney Rice is leaving the program. “Rodney Rice recently shared with me his desire to step away from our program. While his departure is unfortunate, we wish Rodney and his family all the best in…
PBH abre licitação para reforma campo de futebol do Parque Telê Santana
A Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte abriu licitação para as obras de reforma dos vestiários e arquibancadas do campo de futebol do parque Telê Santana, na Região de Venda Nova. O orçamento previsto para a obra é de R$ R$ 560 mil, provenientes de recursos do município e de emenda parlamentar. Localizado na Rua Augusto dos…
PBH realiza tarde de lazer e cultura para encerrar campanha Outubro Prateado
Para encerrar a programação do Outubro Prateado, mês dedicado à valorização da pessoa idosa, a Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte realiza nesta quinta-feira (26), a partir das 14h, uma tarde repleta de atividades de lazer e apresentações culturais. A programação vai ocorrer no Centro de Referência da Pessoa Idosa (CRPI), na Rua Perdizes, 336, Caiçara, e…
Programa Saúde com Ciência usará redes sociais para aumentar cobertura vacinal
Informações falsas como a de que vacinas causam doenças como câncer, aids ou diabetes ou de que a que imuniza contra covid-19 pode provocar modificações na corrente sanguínea ou no DNA estão entre as narrativas mais frequentes em fake news sobre vacinas detectadas pelo Ministério da Saúde entre julho e setembro deste ano. Para combater…
Lehigh Valley not selected for technology hub funding awarded in 32 states and Puerto Rico
The Biden administration on Monday designated 31 technology hubs spread across 32 states and Puerto Rico to help spur innovation and create jobs in the industries that are concentrated in these areas. “We’re going to invest in critical technologies like biotechnology, critical materials, quantum computing, advanced manufacturing — so the U.S. will lead the world…