Memphis-based FeedWells teams up with White House to teach kids about healthy eating
MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Memphis-based organization FeedWells is providing healthy meals to students all across the Mid-South. Now the group is teaming up with the White House. Both FeedWells and the Biden administration have come together with one mission in mind; to end hunger for children. Friday, the organization held a food tasting. “What makes us great…
Super Mario Bros. Wonder já está disponível no Hype Games
Drops de Jogos recebeu informações oficiais do jogo encanador. Super Mario Bros. Wonder já está disponível no Hype Games. Confira abaixo. O Hype Games, loja digital da Level Up, está recebendo uma novidade de peso hoje, com o lançamento de Super Mario Bros. Wonder, o mais novo jogo do bigodudo mais famoso do mundo dos games, totalmente dublado e localizado…
Zynga wins jury trial in IGT patent lawsuit over mobile gaming technology
Summary Companies Law Firms IGT accused Zynga’s mobile slot-machine games of infringing patent Jury said IGT patent for overcoming network interruptions was invalid Oct 20 (Reuters) – Zynga convinced a jury in Austin, Texas on Friday to find that its slot-machine games do not infringe a mobile gaming patent owned by gambling-technology company IGT (IGT.N).…
Nawaz Sharif: The Pakistan army’s one-time arch-rival returns
By Tarhub Asghar and Simon Fraser In Doha and London Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif is flying home this weekend from self-imposed exile ahead of general elections. Few, if any, could have scripted the dramatic turnaround for someone who has been a thorn in the side of the powerful military for so much of…
Goodwill hosts Halloween costume and decor contest
ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) – In addition to helping our community sustainably donate and shop for used goods to complete their Halloween looks and décor – Goodwill Industries of the Valleys is hosting the “Goodwill Haunting” Costume and Decoration Contest Giveaway. Chelsea Moran, Director of Marketing & Communications, sat down on 7@four to explain that Goodwill…
Wright-Way Rescue Van Collides with Wildlife Near Nashville, Jeopardizing Animal Transport Efforts
Yesterday, a Wright-Way Rescue’s Transport Team driver encountered an unplanned roadblock when a deer collided with the rescue van near Nashville, Illinois. Neither the driver nor any animals in transit were harmed; however, the deer-caused crash rendered the van unusable, thus negatively affecting the organization’s animal rescue capabilities, as per their Facebook post. Before the…
Fulton County Schools lunch menu going gourmet with Student Choice Food Challenge
FULTON COUNTY, Ga. — Fulton County Schools’ lunch menu is getting ready to graduate from “so passé” to acing the taste test. The food at Alpharetta’s Manning Oaks Elementary is part of the Fulton County School system’s 5th Student Choice Food Challenge. For this year’s contest, Chef Reggie Sloan is serving up healthy food, cooked…
A Fazenda 15: Empresa cancela contrato de patrocínio após expulsão de Rachel Sheherazade: “Ações manipuladas e arbitrárias”; Record nega
Entretenimento A peoa foi expulsa do programa na última quinta-feira Por Lauren Berger 20/10/2023 – 18:14hs BRT 20/10/2023 – 18:14hs BRT Foto: Reprodução/Record Por Lauren Berger Cancelou Na última quinta-feira (19), Rachel Sheherazade foi expulsa de A Fazenda 15 por agressão à Jenny Gontijo. Contudo, a decisão dividiu muitas opiniões. O Grupo Adir, empresa que…
‘SNL’ star Melanie Hutsell was ‘horrified’ to wear prosthetic nose in ‘Blossom’ sketch
Mayim Bialik recently reflected on a Saturday Night Live sketch in which her iconic character Blossom was portrayed with a large prosthetic nose — and now, the performer who played her is responding to her comments. Melanie Hutsell, who parodied Bialik’s titular sitcom character in a 1994 sketch, provided a statement to EW expressing her…
‘Toddler milks’ pushed on TikTok offer no ‘nutritional advantage,’…
Powdered drink mixes that are widely promoted as “toddler milks” for older babies and children up to age 3 are unregulated, unnecessary and “nutritionally incomplete,” the American Academy of Pediatrics warned Friday. The drinks, which are touted to parents on TikTok, in television ads and on other sites, often contain added sugar and salt. The…