नारनौल में फूड डिपार्टमेंट की रेड: 2 जगहों से दही-पनीर के सैंपल लिए; ओल्ड राव होटल के सैंपल फेल, केस दर्ज
नारनौल30 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक नारनौल के नांगल चौधरी में छापेमारी के दौरान पनीर के सैंपल लेते फूड एवं ड्रग डिपार्टमेंट के अधिकारी। हरियाणा के नारनौल में फूड एंड ड्रग डिपार्टमेंट ने दिवाली के त्योहार के मध्यनजर आज नांगल चौधरी क्षेत्र में छापामारी की। छापामारी के दौरान टीम ने नांगल चौधरी क्षेत्र की दो दुकानों…
Berkeley Space Center at NASA Ames to become innovation hub for new aviation, space technology
The University of California, Berkeley, is teaming up with NASA’s Ames Research Center and developer SKS Partners to create research space for companies interested in collaborating with UC Berkeley and NASA scientists and engineers to generate futuristic innovations in aviation, space exploration and how we live and work in space. The Berkeley Space Center, announced…
Berkeley Space Center at NASA Ames to become innovation hub for new aviation, space technology
The University of California, Berkeley, is teaming up with NASA’s Ames Research Center and developer SKS Partners to create research space for companies interested in collaborating with UC Berkeley and NASA scientists and engineers to generate futuristic innovations in aviation, space exploration and how we live and work in space. The Berkeley Space Center, announced…
Diogo Mussi, irmão de Rodrigo Mussi, alfineta o ex-BBB ao ser questionado sobre possível reconciliação após briga
Entretenimento Os irmãos Mussi cortaram laços há pouco mais de um ano Por Juliana Gomes 18/10/2023 – 10:19hs BRT 18/10/2023 – 10:19hs BRT Foto 1: Reprodução/Instagram de Diogo Mussi | Foto 2: Reprodução/Instagram de Rodrigo Mussi Por Juliana Gomes Rancor guardado? Durante uma interação com os seguidores, no Instagram, Diogo Mussi voltou a falar sobre…
WSB: Metal detectors uncover ingested fishhooks in turtles
Share this article Featured in This Article Wildlife Featured in this article Yellow-bellied slider Alligator snapping turtle October 18, 2023 by Joshua Rapp Learn Low-cost technology can give quick answers in field work Low-cost metal detectors no bigger than a flashlight can help researchers detect metal fishing hooks ingested by turtles. “I can see this…
WSB: Metal detectors uncover ingested fishhooks in turtles
Share this article Featured in This Article Wildlife Featured in this article Yellow-bellied slider Alligator snapping turtle October 18, 2023 by Joshua Rapp Learn Low-cost technology can give quick answers in field work Low-cost metal detectors no bigger than a flashlight can help researchers detect metal fishing hooks ingested by turtles. “I can see this…
नवरात्रि के व्रत में सेहत के लिए फायदेमंद हैं ये फूड, वेट लॉस के साथ साथ मिलेंगे ये बेनिफिट्स
Navratri Healthy Diet: देश भर में शारदीय नवरात्रि (Navratri Vrat)के व्रत चल रहे हैं. लोग देवी मां भगवती की आराधना के साथ साथ नौ दिन के व्रत करके मां को प्रसन्न करने का प्रयास कर रहे हैं. यूं तो व्रत सेहत के लिए अच्छे कहे जाते हैं लेकिन व्रत का मतलब भूखा रहना बिलकुल नहीं…
Celebrities meet with SAG leadership after negotiations break down
Several A-list actors sat down with leaders of the Screen Actors Guild this week after contract negotiations fell apart last week. George Clooney, Tyler Perry and Emma Stone were among the stars who jumped on a Zoom call Tuesday with SAG President Fran Drescher. Reportedly, the actors were looking for a way to end the…
When It Comes to Work Technology, Emails Are Considered Old-School
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Como nasce uma camisa oficial de futebol que não existe
Em algum momento de minha vida, fui com minha mãe à região da Rua 25 de Março, um epicentro do comércio popular em São Paulo. Entrando em lojas e revirando produtos, encontrei uma camisa de futebol que me chamou a atenção. Era uma camisa do Club Deportivo Águila, de El Salvador, que se mostrava rica…