Governor Phil Murphy
close The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google™ Translate. Google™ Translate is an online service for which the user pays nothing to obtain a purported language translation. The user is on notice that…
Start Your Fall Fashion Capsule Wardrobe With Amazon Picks From Darcy McQueeny – E! Online
We interviewed Darcy McQueeny because we think you’ll like her picks. Darcy is a paid spokesperson for the Amazon Influencer Program. E! has affiliate relationships, so we may get a commission if you purchase something through our links. Items are sold by the retailer, not E!. Prices are accurate as of publish time. If you have yet…
Jay-Z on Hype Williams Quoting Him $1.8 Million for “Sunshine” Music Video: ‘You Think I’m Dumb?’
Jay-Z has collaborated with legendary music video director Hype Williams several times, but there was an instance where Hov got upset with him over the high asking price for his visuals at the time. In a conversation with Complex’s Aria Hughes honoring Williams’ iconic work over the years, the Brooklyn rap legend reflected on the music video for his 1997…
Mirzapur News: डिवाइडर से टकराई कार, पांच घायल
अदलहाट। थाना क्षेत्र के वाराणसी-शक्तिनगर राजमार्ग पर बुधवार को गरौड़ी गांव के सामने चौराहे पर साइकिल सवार को बचाने में कार अनियंत्रित होकर डिवाइडर से जा टकराई। इस हादमें कार सवार पांच लोग गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गए। जिनमें से दो लोगों को वाराणसी रेफर कर दिया गया। यह वीडियो/विज्ञापन हटाएं भदोही जिले के…
Texas anthropological food event connects the past and present
So I know we’ve been learning a lot through you. Did you learn a lot at this event? Maybe you can share something with us that you picked up on? I did. You know, you always have to have that curiosity mindset, you know? And so for me, it was kind of a deep dive…
The Return of Cloudbreak Brings Free Music Shows to Seattle this November
Let’s start with the most important part: Cloudbreak, Seattle’s Citywide Live Music Fest, returns November 1-22 with more than 70 shows featuring 100+ artists over 22 days at 30 venues, and if you stay in one of our 70 partner hotels, you get access to these shows for FREE! Cloudbreak started in 2022 and was such…
Em meio às polêmicas sobre seu término com Guimê, mãe de Lexa se manifesta após desabafo de bailarino, colocado como suposto amante da filha: “ Não é de ninguém”
Entretenimento Gabriel Felinto falou sobre sua situação na equipe da artista e gerou polêmica na web nas últimas horas Por Ysac Freitas Atualizada em 18/10/2023 – 16:19hs BRT Atualizada em 18/10/2023 – 16:19hs BRT Foto 1: Reprodução/ Instagram Lexa – Foto 2: Reprodução/Instagram Gabriel Felinto Por Ysac Freitas Bailarino de Lexa revela que não sabe…
Secult realiza 2ª edição da ‘Cultura no Mercadão’ neste sábado (18/10)
Nada como curtir o fim de semana acompanhado da família com a mistura de música popular, artesanato e comida boa. Por isso, devido ao sucesso da edição anterior, a Secult (Secretaria Municipal de Cultura), em parceria com o Mercado Municipal de Presidente Prudente realiza a segunda edição da “Cultura no Mercadão” neste sábado, dia 21…
University food pantries stretch to stock items for international students
Of all the goods the Food Pantry at Iowa offers University of Iowa students, staff and faculty, rice is one of the hardest to consistently stock. As a shelf-stable item that is a staple in cooking across the globe, rice, especially different varieties, is always in need, pantry staff say. Food Pantry Basic Needs Manager…
Blumenau Celebra a Resiliência e a Cultura na Oktoberfest
Blumenau e vale europeu, uma região que abraça suas raízes culturais e se destaca entre outras demandas por sua vibrante Oktoberfest, que recentemente passou por adversidades significativas com as enchentes que afetaram e ainda afetam a nossa região. Em meio a esses desafios, nossa comunidade declara resiliência e determinação, e a celebração anual da Oktoberfest…