Daughter obsessed with healthy eating
Dear Dietitian, My 13-year-old daughter started a new healthy eating program about six months ago. She seems obsessed with healthy eating and sometimes refuses to eat when she stays at a friend’s house. I am concerned about her behavior. Is this something serious, or will she grow out of it? Sheila Dear Sheila, The desire…
Fundação de Cultura leva o benefício da Carteira Nacional do Artesão ao município de Taquarussu
Compartilhar: A Fundação de Cultura de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de sua Gerência de Desenvolvimento de Atividades Artesanais, esteve nesta terça-feira (17.10.2023) no município de Taquarussu para a emissão da Carteira Nacional do Artesão aos trabalhadores em artesanato da região. Para a gestora de Atividades Culturais da Fundação de Cultura de Mato Grosso…
“Hora de voltar pra minha terra”; Após fim de casamento com MC Guimê, Lexa anuncia mudança e revela que trocará de estado
Entretenimento Cantora fez publicação se despedindo de São Paulo Por Ana Lima Atualizada em 18/10/2023 – 10:02hs BRT Atualizada em 18/10/2023 – 10:02hs BRT Imagens 1 e 2 – Reprodução: Instagram/Lexa Por Ana Lima Lexa revela que deixará São Paulo A cantora Lexa surpreendeu os seguidores com sua nova publicação no Instagram, após anunciar que…
How ‘Justified: City Primeval’ brought Walton Goggins’ back as Boyd
Warning: This article contains spoilers about the season finale of Justified: City Primeval. Just when Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) thought he was out of the U.S. Marshal service, his original archnemesis pulls him back in. Or does he? The season finale of Justified: City Primeval ended on a massive cliffhanger after career lawman Raylan decided…
Stanford researchers issue AI transparency report, urge tech companies to reveal more
Oct 18 (Reuters) – Stanford University researchers issued a report on Wednesday measuring the transparency of artificial intelligence foundation models from companies like OpenAI and Google (GOOGL.O), and the authors urged the companies to reveal more information such as the data and human labor used to train models. “It is clear over the last three…
“Não quero hate em cima delas”; Irmão de Emicida acusa Juliette e Duda Beats de suposto plágio; Ex-BBB ainda não se pronunciou
Entretenimento A ex-BBB acabou sendo muito criticada nas redes sociais Por Guilherme Corte Atualizada em 18/10/2023 – 10:01hs BRT Atualizada em 18/10/2023 – 10:01hs BRT Foto 1: Instagram oficial de Emicida. Foto 2: Instagram oficial de Juliette. Foto 3: Instagram oficial de Duda Beats. Por Guilherme Corte Juliette é acusada por suposta plágio Durante a…
Para os gamers, NFTs seguem em ascensão e o MIBR aposta alto na tecnologia
Somando todas suas redes, a MIBR possui mais de 20 milhões de seguidores .btn{ cursor: pointer; font-size: 20px; font-family: Work Sans Medium; border: solid 1px #F6F6F6; padding: 7px 12px; background: #FFFFFF; margin-left: 10px; } .btn-active{ border: solid 1px #151515; padding: 7px 12px; background: #EEEEEE; margin-left: 10px; border-bottom: solid 2px #151515; } .entry-content, .entry-content p{ transition:…
Flame retardant pollution threatens wildlife on all continents, research finds
More than a hundred species of wildlife found across every continent are contaminated with highly toxic flame retardants, and the pollution is probably responsible for population declines in some species, a new analysis of published research shows. The dangerous chemicals have been detected in everything from sea urchins to bobcats to Arctic foxes, and at…
Flame retardant pollution threatens wildlife on all continents, research finds
More than a hundred species of wildlife found across every continent are contaminated with highly toxic flame retardants, and the pollution is probably responsible for population declines in some species, a new analysis of published research shows. The dangerous chemicals have been detected in everything from sea urchins to bobcats to Arctic foxes, and at…
National Geographic Society Names Nalini Nadkarni Explorer at Large
Washington, D.C., October 18, 2023 – Today, the National Geographic Society has appointed famed forest canopy researcher Nalini Nadkarni as a National Geographic Explorer at Large. Nadkarni, an ecologist who pioneered the study of Costa Rican rainforest canopies and an avid science communicator, will serve as an ambassador for the National Geographic Society. As an…