“Parar de ver”; Após Luan Santana expor ‘ficada’ com Yasmin Brunet, ex-noiva do cantor se pronuncia na web
Entretenimento A modelo Izabela Cunha, em seu perfil oficial no Instagram, repostou uma reflexão ‘enigmática’ e misteriosa Por Rafael Belmont 17/10/2023 – 12:31hs BRT 17/10/2023 – 12:31hs BRT Fotos: Instagram/Izabela Cunha (esquerda) – Instagram/Luan Santana (direita) Por Rafael Belmont Luan Santana abre o jogo sobre affair com Yasmin Brunet Quebrou o silêncio! O sertanejo Luan…
Defense Innovation Board to study innovation barriers, data economy
WASHINGTON — The Defense Department’s technology advisory board is launching two studies focused on identifying the practices and policies that impede innovation and improving the way the Pentagon uses and integrates data, from battlefield operations to acquisition processes. The deputy undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, David Honey, commissioned the Defense Innovation Board to…
Defense Innovation Board to study innovation barriers, data economy
WASHINGTON — The Defense Department’s technology advisory board is launching two studies focused on identifying the practices and policies that impede innovation and improving the way the Pentagon uses and integrates data, from battlefield operations to acquisition processes. The deputy undersecretary of defense for research and engineering, David Honey, commissioned the Defense Innovation Board to…
Restaurant Review: Neeloo in Williamsburg (★★★)
It only took one try to get a recent Friday night reservation at Neeloo. That relative rarity—a new restaurant, with abundant early media attention, where you can still get in, is befitting a topline family-run business, even one where the patriarch’s résumé includes Per Se. Like most other dining rooms in New York City, Neeloo’s…
Star+: Estrelada por Seu Jorge, nova produção brasileira é a aposta do streaming
Entretenimento How To Be A Carioca chega ao catálogo nesta quarta-feira, 18 de outubro Por Juliana Gomes 17/10/2023 – 12:28hs BRT 17/10/2023 – 12:28hs BRT Fotos: Reprodução/Star+ Por Juliana Gomes Nova aposta brasileira do Star+ Com Seu Jorge, Malu Mader, Douglas Silva, Débora Nascimento e mais, a nova série brasileira do Star+, promete mostrar as…
Anos após polêmica, Britney Spears abre o jogo e revela motivo para ter raspado a cabeça em 2007: “Era olhada de cima a baixo”
Entretenimento Cantora deu detalhes do caso em seu novo livro Por Ana Lima Atualizada em 17/10/2023 – 12:27hs BRT Atualizada em 17/10/2023 – 12:27hs BRT Imagem 1 – Reprodução: Kevin Winter/Getty Images | Imagem 2 – Reprodução: Ethan Miller/Getty Images Por Ana Lima Britney Spears lança livro biográfico A cantora Britney Spears animou os fãs…
MC Daniel e Yasmin Brunet são vistos em clima de romance no Rio de Janeiro, diz jornalista
Entretenimento O cantor teria encontrado a modelo em uma festa no último feriado Por Gabrielle Junqueira 17/10/2023 – 12:22hs BRT 17/10/2023 – 12:22hs BRT Foto: reprodução/Instagram MC Daniel (imagem 1) – Yasmin Brunet (imagem 2) Por Gabrielle Junqueira Amizade colorida O cantor MC Daniel foi visto em clima de romance com a modelo Yasmin Brunet…
Ginori 1735 Unveils Oriente Italiano Gold in Milan
MILAN — Ginori 1735 celebrated the worldwide unveiling of its new Oriente Italiano Gold collection here Monday to the beats of DJ duo Doppelgänger Paris’ Brice and Regis Abby and with images of brand ambassador Jake Gyllenhaal beside its latest set of visually impactful tableware. Inside the Ginori 1735 flagship on Piazza San Marco 3…
เซอร์ไพรซ์! นางเอกดังโผล่เปิดตัวละครข้ามช่อง เป็นอิสระแล้ว?!
GMMTV ทำเซอร์ไพรซ์ เปิดตัว นางเอกคนใหม่ของ วิน เมธวิน โอภาสเอี่ยมขจร ในซีรี่ส์ภาคต่อ Enigma 2 บุหงาหมื่นภมร ได้นางเอกชื่อดัง เต้ย จรินทร์พร ข้ามช่องมาร่วมงานกับหนุ่มวินเป็นครั้งแรก ซึ่งการโดดมาร่วมงานกับ GMMTV ครั้งนี้ น่าจะเป็นการยืนยันสถานะของสาวเต้ยอย่างเป็นทางการแล้วว่า หมดสัญญากับบ้านเก่าอย่างช่อง3 และ ผันตัวเป็นนักแสดงอิสระเต็มตัวแล้ว แฟนๆ เต้ย-วิน รอติดตาม Enigma 2 บุหงาหมื่นภมร ได้เร็วๆนี ชมคลิป —
Protein Rich Vegetarian Food: मांस-मछली से ज्यादा प्रोटीन देंगे ये 6 शाकाहारी फूड, डाइट में जरूर करें शामिल
Vegetarian food rich in protein: प्रोटीन एक महत्वपूर्ण पोषक तत्व है, जो हमारे शरीर के लिए आवश्यक है. यह मांसपेशियों, हड्डियों और त्वचा के विकास व रखरखाव में मदद करता है. प्रोटीन को आमतौर पर मांस, मछली और अंडे से प्राप्त किया जाता है. हालांकि, शाकाहारी लोग भी अपने आहार में प्रोटीन की पर्याप्त मात्रा प्राप्त…