‘เศรษฐา’ พบ ‘ปูติน’ กระชับสัมพันธ์ไทย-รัสเซีย ก่อนรับประทานอาหารค่ำร่วมกัน
‘เศรษฐา’ พบ ‘ปูติน’ กระชับสัมพันธ์ไทย-รัสเซีย ก่อนรับประทานอาหารค่ำร่วมกัน โดยมี “สี จิ้นผิง” ประธานาธิบดี สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน เป็นเจ้าภาพ วันที่ 17 ต.ค. 2566 ที่อาคารรับรองรัฐบาล เตี้ยวหยูไถ่ กรุงปักกิ่ง สาธารณรัฐประชาชนจีน นายเศรษฐา ทวีสิน นายกรัฐมนตรี และ รมว.คลัง เข้าพบนายวลาดิมีร์ ปูติน ประธานาธิบดีรัสเซีย โดยจะมีการเจรจากระชับความสัมพันธ์ในหลายเรื่อง และในคืนวันเดียวกันนี้จะมีการรับประทานอาหารค่ำกับผู้นำ 23 ประเทศ โดยมีนายสี จิ้นผิง ประธานาธิบดีจีน เป็นเจ้าภาพ
10 amazing gadgets of Batman that make him the coolest superhero in the DC universe
Batman is a skilled crime fighter from the DC universe with almost every weaponized unique gadget to fight against crime. Known as the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, and the World’s Greatest Detective, he is famous for his exceptional crime-fighting tools. His gadgets are being carefully designed and engineered to suit his needs and objectives…
10 amazing gadgets of Batman that make him the coolest superhero in the DC universe
Batman is a skilled crime fighter from the DC universe with almost every weaponized unique gadget to fight against crime. Known as the Dark Knight, the Caped Crusader, and the World’s Greatest Detective, he is famous for his exceptional crime-fighting tools. His gadgets are being carefully designed and engineered to suit his needs and objectives…
Jogos de hoje (17/10/23): onde assistir futebol ao vivo e horários das partidas
Confira aqui no Olhar Digital onde assistir ao vivo às partidas de hoje, 17 de outubro de 2023. Veja a seguir os horários dos jogos de hoje, com atenção especial para as partidas das Eliminatórias Copa do Mundo e da Eurocopa. Leia mais: publicidade Jogos de hoje (17 de outubro) Eliminatórias da UEFA Euro 2024 — 8ª rodada Finlândia…
Macaé promove mais uma edição da Semana Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia
Segundo a coordenadora de Educação Ambiental, da Superintendência Integrada da Secretaria de Educação, Lúcia Helena Gama, a SNCT foi criada em 2004 e tem como objetivo principal a mobilização da população sobre a importância da ciência como ferramenta para geração de valor, de inovação, de riquezas, de soluções para os desafios nacionais, de inclusão social…
Michelle Hilburn: Inspiration gained at Children’s Literature Festival
The first author I ever met was David L. Harrison, the author of “Wake Up, Sun.” I was mesmerized with the idea of meeting an author and was instantly starstruck. I couldn’t believe that I actually met someone who wrote a book that my mom read to me regularly. Over the years, I have met…
8 Queer Historical Fiction Books Set Around the World
When you hear the phrase “queer history,” how far back does your mind go? For many, there’s a sense that LGBTQIA+ history is fairly recent, starting with Marsha P. Johnson or maybe Oscar Wilde. Beyond that, we start to get into murky territory: stories of “lifelong bachelors” and “happy spinsters” and “historically very good friends.”…
The Book Bike Bringing Free, Queer Books to Brooklyn
If you live in New York, you may have spotted The Nonbinarian Book Bike. It’s hard to miss—a bicycle carrying a big, bright pink box full of free LGBTQIA+ books for all ages and languages directly to the community. The initiative was founded by K. Kerimian, and is new on the scene; it’s only been…
Prefeitura abre a 15ª edição da Copa João Pessoa de Futebol nesta quarta-feira
A Copa João Pessoa de Futebol, organizada pela Prefeitura da Capital, através da Secretaria de Juventude, Esporte e Recreação (Sejer), começa nesta quarta-feira (18), no Centro de Treinamento (CT) Ivan Tomaz, localizado no bairro do Valentina de Figueiredo. A cerimônia de abertura está marcada para às 19h, com a apresentação da banda Marcial da Secretaria…
Memória do Futebol Amador: Limeira, de Biguaçu, em 1974
Os leitores Isac e seu pai, o Idalmiro (Miro), enviam foto do Limeira, de Três Riachos, antes de uma partida diante do BAC em 1974, no município de Biguaçu. Em pé: Saul (Presidente.), Da Costa (ex-goleiro importante da história do Figueirense), Cesar, João, P. Roberto, Heleno, Adenor e Terrinha (Treinador). Agachados: Érico, Ademir, Miro, Valdir…