SAP’s Industry Cloud Drives Innovation in Utilities Through Cloud-Based Apps and Partner Collaborations
Had someone asked me during the early days of SAP’s industry cloud which among the roughly two-dozen industries we serve would provide the most fertile territory for our partners to innovate with cloud-based apps, I’ll admit the utilities sector may not have landed near the top of my list. But with so many new partner-developed…
“Pra minha ex-esposa linda”; Após vencer grande premiação, Lucas Lima abre o coração ao comemorar e se declara para Sandy
Entretenimento Músico venceu categoria de ator revelação em musical Por Ana Lima 18/10/2023 – 08:13hs BRT 18/10/2023 – 08:13hs BRT Imagens 1 e 2 – Reprodução: Instagram/Lucas Lima Por Ana Lima Lucas Lima vence Prêmio Bibi Ferreira O músico e ator Lucas Lima foi o grande vencedor na categoria Ator Revelação no Prêmio Bibi Ferreira,…
CPTM realiza a 3ª Semana de Inovação e Tecnologia de 18 a 20 de outubro
Entre os dias 18 e 20 de outubro, a CPTM irá realizar a 3ª Semana de Inovação e Tecnologia. Mais uma vez, a companhia, que tem se tornado cada vez mais uma referência em inovação na Mobilidade Urbana, pretende disseminar aplicações das novas tecnologias e compartilhar experiências de sucesso, desenvolvidas internamente, através de parcerias…
Tired of sugar cravings? Eat sour to fight them!
The fun of a late night movie in bed is enhanced to another level when you accompany it with a sinful chocolate pastry! Right? Of course, the next morning is guilt-ridden as you step on the weighing scale. Well, if you often find yourself plagued by these annoying sugar cravings, and are looking for a…
A Fazenda 15: Adriane Galisteu se pronuncia ao vivo sobre acusação de Jenny contra Cezar Black: “A direção do programa avaliou”
Entretenimento A apresentadora mandou um recado durante a edição desta terça-feira (17) Por Juliana Gomes 18/10/2023 – 08:11hs BRT 18/10/2023 – 08:11hs BRT Fotos: Reprodução/Record TV Por Juliana Gomes Galisteu se manifesta Durante a formação da Roça, na noite dessa terça-feira (17), em A Fazenda 15, Adriane Galisteu interrompeu os peões para esclarecer a polêmica…
Just 8 Food Swaps In Your PCOD Diet Can Help You Lose Weight Faster
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOD) is a hormonal disorder that can throw various aspects of your health out of balance. It’s often linked to issues like disrupted menstrual cycles, excess facial hair, insulin resistance, fertility problems, and yes, weight gain. Many factors contribute to PCOD, such as genetics, poor lifestyle choices, stress, and environmental factors. A…
Pillow Talk: The founders of lifestyle brand Earl of East’s night-time routine
What’s the weirdest thing next to your bed? Not really sure there is one. Do you sleep with your phone next to you? No, it’s at the opposite end of the room, out of reach. That way, when the alarm goes off, we have to get out of bed. What can’t you go to sleep…
ข่าวรถตู้ตีนผีซิ่งหลุดโค้ง 4 แยกไฟแดงชนยับ 4 คันรวด
รถตู้ตีนผีตีโค้งบริเวณ 4 แยกไฟแดงซับสมอทอด อำเภอบึงสามพัน จังหวัดเพชรบูรณ์ ชนยับ 4 คันรวด ทำรถติดสะสมระยะทางยาว (18 ตุลาคม 2566) ศูนย์รับแจ้งเหตุ สภ.บึงสามพัน ได้รับแจ้งว่ามีอุบัติเหตุ รถยนต์ชนประสานงาน บนทางหลวงหมายเลข 21 ถนนสายสระบุรี-หล่มสัก บริเวณ 4 แยกไฟแดงซับสมอทอด หมู่ที่ 7 ตำบลบึงสามพัน อำเภอบึงสามพัน จังหวัดเพชรบูรณ์ ที่ ส่งผลให้รถติดยาว ราว 300 เมตร จึงเร่งประสานตำรวจทางหลวง เจ้าหน้าที่แขวงการทางบึงสามพัน ที่ 2 พร้อมอาสากู้ภัย ร่วมอำนวยความสะดวก ในที่เกิดเหตุพบรถยนต์ 4 คัน ได้รับความเสียหาย คันที่1 เป็นรถยนต์กระบะ สีขาว ซึ่งกำลังจอดติดไฟแดง มุ่งหน้าเข้ากรุงเทพมหานคร สภาพด้านหน้ารถพังเสียหาย คันที่ 2 เป็นรถกระบะ สีขาว ขนท่อร้อยสายไฟ ขับมาจากกรุงเทพมหานคร เพื่อจะนำมาส่งให้กับลูกค้า…
Phan Kim Oanh làm Chủ tịch Hoa hậu Đa văn hoá thế giới
Hoa hậu Phan Kim Oanh cho hay đã cùng ê-kíp lên kế hoạch và làm việc cùng tổ chức nắm giữ bản quyền Miss Multicultural World – Hoa hậu Đa văn hoá thế giới từ một năm nay. “Tôi ấp ủ tổ chức cuộc thi nhan sắc cho các thiếu nữ từ rất lâu. Và…
2023-2024 Martin Luther King, Jr. Essay, Visual Arts and Poetry Contests open to Kentucky students
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