Nhan sắc trong trẻo của Bích Ngọc vai Út Trong ở 'Đất rừng Phương Nam'
Sự kiện: Toàn cảnh phim ‘Đất rừng Phương Nam’ bản điện ảnh Diễn viên Bích Ngọc vào vai Út Trong ở phim ‘Đất rừng Phương Nam’ được nhiều người khen ngợi về nhan sắc. Bích Ngọc là cái tên gây chú ý trong mấy ngày qua khi vào vai Út Trong ở phim ‘Đất rừng…
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Kenya and a railway to nowhere
By Anne Soy Senior Africa correspondent The first section of Kenya’s Chinese-built railway was opened with much fanfare in 2017 – but two years later work on the tracks stopped in the middle of the country and the master plan of linking it to other landlocked countries in East Africa seems to have derailed. This…
अंडर 17 विद्यालयी क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता का शुभारंभ आज
टोंक27 मिनट पहले कॉपी लिंक टोंक| 67वीं राज्य स्तरीय माध्यमिक/ उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालयी क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिता (अण्डर 17) 14 से 19 अक्टूबर तक राजकीय उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय कोठी नातमाम स्कूल में आयोजित होगी। प्रतियोगिता के संयुक्त संचालन सचिव शंकर शंभू गोगवाल ने बताया कि प्रदेश के 50 जिलों से आने वाली टीमों की आवास व्यवस्था राउमावि,…
Anitta é processada em R$ 150 mil por danos morais e uso indevido de imagem ao usar vídeo como divulgação
Entretenimento A cantora usou o vídeo em 2022 para divulgar seu álbum ‘Versions of Me’ Por Ysac Freitas 13/10/2023 – 20:12hs BRT 13/10/2023 – 20:12hs BRT Fotos: Reprodução/Instagram Anitta Por Ysac Freitas Anitta teria usado vídeo para promover seu novo álbum A cantora Anitta está sendo processada por uso indevido de imagem, danos morais e…
Sesc Geek Experience reúne atrações do mundo nerd em BH
Os amantes da cultura pop e geek têm um compromisso marcado neste sábado (14) em Belo Horizonte. Isso porque o Sesc Geek Experiente ocupa o Sesc Palladium. A programação inclui shows musicais, competições de games e cosplay, além de espaços temáticos e bate-papo com convidados especiais. Prometendo uma imersão no universo dos games, mangás, filmes,…
Squid Game and Parasite composer reveals secret to award-winning music
By Serin Ha BBC World Service You may have watched grisly Korean thriller Squid Game or dark comedy Parasite. But did you know the music in these films was composed by the same man? Squid Game – which follows a cast of debt-ridden contestants who play twisted children’s games to win a huge cash prize…
Phyllis Latour: The secret life of a WW2 heroine revealed
By Sanchia Berg BBC News Phyllis Latour, the last of the 39 female secret agents who served in Sir Winston Churchill’s “secret army” in France, has died aged 102. Now, previously classified official files paint a vivid portrait of her life as a World War Two spy behind enemy lines. In the summer of 1944,…
UK’s nuclear fusion site ends experiments after 40 years
By Esme Stallard Climate and science reporter, BBC News “It felt brilliant. One thing is to work on a design, another thing is to operate it.” Professor Barry Green recounts the moment in June 1983 when the JET fusion laboratory in Oxford undertook its first experiment. For the next four decades, the European project pursued…
Week in pictures: 7 -13 October 2023
A selection of powerful news photographs taken around the world this week. All photos subject to copyright
BBC show is a ‘lifeline’ for Afghan girls, UN says
By Mariam Aman BBC World Service A BBC programme for children barred from schools in Afghanistan has been described as a “learning lifeline” by the United Nations. The show is being used in secret school lessons, the BBC has learned. Its name, Dars, means lesson in Afghanistan’s official languages of Dari and Pashto. The ruling…