Trudeau facing cold reality after lonely week on world stage
This video can not be played To play this video you need to enable JavaScript in your browser. By Holly Honderich in Washington This week in New York, as he listened to questions from reporters, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s reliable smile began to fade. Unsurprisingly, nearly all the questions were about India and the…
Ao vivo: CRB x Guarani | Rodada 29 | Campeonato Brasileiro Série B
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Grávida de Arthur Aguiar, Jheny Santucci rebate internauta que fez questionamento sobre sua gravidez e fala sobre Maíra Cardi: “Ele estaria com ela”
Entretenimento A Influenciadora abriu uma caixinha de perguntas em seu Instagram e respondeu algumas perguntas dos seguidores Por Ysac Freitas Atualizada em 23/09/2023 – 20:32hs BRT Atualizada em 23/09/2023 – 20:32hs BRT Foto 1: Reprodução/Instagram Jheny Santucci – Foto 2: Reprodução/Instagram Arthur Aguiar Por Ysac Freitas Na tarde deste sábado (23), Jheny Santucci, que está…
Boca Juniors empata antes de enfrentar o Palmeiras na Libertadores
O Boca Juniors empatou por 1 a 1 com o Lanús, neste sábado, em La Bombonera, pela sexta rodada da Copa da Liga Argentina. É o último jogo do time de Jorg Almirón antes do primeiro encontro com o Palmeiras pela semifinal da Libertadores. A equipe soma apenas uma vitória nas últimas oito partidas. Almirón…
Pablo Neruda: Chilean poet’s death still shrouded in mystery
By Gideon Long BBC News Half a century after he died and 12 years after allegations first surfaced that he was murdered on the orders of the dictatorship of Gen Augusto Pinochet, the death of Chile’s most famous poet, Pablo Neruda, remains shrouded in mystery. An investigation into it has run for more than a…
Khu vườn đầy hoa trái trong biệt thự 600m2 như resort của Mạnh Trường
Trên trang cá nhân, vợ diễn viên Mạnh Trường đăng tải hình ảnh khu vườn xanh mướt, đầy hoa trái trong biệt thự rộng 600m2 của gia đình. Cô viết: “Hoa cỏ ngập lối sân nhà tôi”. Vợ chồng nam diễn viên trồng cây xanh và nhiều loại hoa rực rỡ. Ngoài căn hộ cao…
Público prestigia a Daparte e elogia projeto gratuito na Praça Sete
Da Parte atraiu fãs à Praça Sete no final da tarde deste sábado Marcos Vieira/EM/D.A Press O calorão não intimidou os fãs da banda mineira Daparte , que foram à Praça Sete, neste sábado (23/9) à tarde, ver o grupo tocar no Festival Cine +10”. Cerca de 500 pessoas assistiram ao show realizado no Palco…
Russell Brand accuser sparks debate about staggered age of consent
By Natasha Preskey, Jemma Crew & Francesca Gillett BBC News At 16, you can’t legally drink alcohol, place a bet or vote in a general election – but you can consent to sex. It has been this way since 1885 in the UK, when the age of consent was raised from 13. For gay and…
AI-generated naked child images shock Spanish town of Almendralejo
By Guy Hedgecoe BBC News, Almendralejo A sleepy town in southern Spain is in shock after it emerged that AI-generated naked images of young local girls had been circulating on social media without their knowledge. The pictures were created using photos of the targeted girls fully clothed, many of them taken from their own social…
Osiris-Rex: Nasa awaits fiery return of asteroid Bennu samples
By Jonathan Amos Science correspondent, Dugway, Utah A seven-year mission to study what has been described as the most dangerous rock in the Solar System is about to reach its dramatic conclusion. The Osiris-Rex spacecraft is bringing home the “soil” samples it grabbed from the surface of asteroid Bennu. These dusty materials will be dropped…