11 countries where Eid ul-Fitr lasts for 2 to 7 days

These variations in the duration and observance of Eid al-Fitr highlight the diversity within the Islamic world and the adaptability of its traditions to local and national contexts.

Extended holidays facilitate travel back to hometowns or to visit relatives, crucial for maintaining family ties and communal bonds.


Some governments also extend the Eid holiday to stimulate domestic tourism and spending, benefiting local economies and providing an avenue for the full expression of local customs and traditions, which can vary greatly within a country’s regions or among different ethnic groups.

In countries with significant Muslim populations spread over vast geographical areas, extended holidays also accommodate travel logistics and ensure that everyone can participate in the celebrations.


The government of Saudi Arabia usually declares a holiday period that can last up to 10 days, combining the end of Ramadan, Eid ul-Fitr itself.

A pre-planned summer holiday period to facilitate extended family visits and travel among residents.

Similar to Saudi Arabia, the UAE often observes a multi-day holiday for Eid ul-Fitr, officially lasting from two to three days, but the associated holidays can extend the festive period.

In 2024, for example, the official celebrations will last four days.


The government typically declares a 3-day public holiday for Eid al-Fitr.

The rationale includes allowing time for extensive travel within the country, as many people work in urban centers but have family in rural areas.


Eid ul-Fitr is celebrated with a three-day public holiday.

Given the country’s significant Muslim population, this period allows for communal prayers, visiting relatives, and the tradition of giving to the needy.

With the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia observes an official holiday period that extends up to a week for Eid ul-Fitr.


The extended holiday accommodates the tradition of “mudik”, where millions travel from urban areas back to their hometowns to celebrate with family.

The official celebration lasts for two days, known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri.

The country acknowledges the importance of family reunions during this period, facilitating travel and gatherings.


While the official holiday lasts for about three days in Egypt, celebrations can extend over a week, with families visiting public parks, zoos, and beaches. It is also customary to give cash gifts called “eidiya” especially to children.

The government sometimes extends the holiday period to stimulate domestic tourism.


Celebrations include shared meals, gift-giving, and prayers. The extended holiday allows for travel across states and promotes national cohesion.

Celebrations last for three days, focusing on family gatherings, feasts, and charity.

The extended period reflects the country’s emphasis on community and hospitality during Eid.


Known for its “Korité” celebration, Senegal often observes a two to three-day holiday period.

The time is marked by elaborate feasts, new clothing, and music, emphasising social bonds and community well-being.

The holiday, known as “Ramazan Bayramı”, officially lasts for three days.


The government extends a holiday to allow for extended family visits across the country and to foster a sense of unity.

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