11 Ways To Fix Oversalted Sauces

While culinary opposites may not neatly align on a color wheel, there’s no denying that salt and sugar represent two distinct ends of the flavor spectrum. Still, for all of their differences, these flavors pair well together. Just look at the delightful marriage of flavors in salted caramel sauce or sea salt brownies. It’s this flavor synergy that makes adding sugar to an over-salted sauce a common and effective remedy.

When it comes to the best sweeteners for rescuing over-salted sauces, four options stand out: white sugar, brown sugar, honey, and maple syrup. White sugar is a subtle savior, ideal for taming the saltiness in tomato, cream, or butter-based sauces. That’s because its neutral profile won’t overpower the sauce’s more delicate flavors. When you’re dealing with darker sauces like barbecue or chili, the rich, caramel notes of brown sugar add depth to the final product. For all other sauce types, experiment with the natural sweetness of maple syrup or honey. They not only balance the saltiness but also infuse sauces with unique and enticing flavor notes. Once you’ve selected your sweetener, mix in just a bit at a time, tasting after each addition. This process can be a bit tedious, but it helps ensure that your overly salty sauce doesn’t become an overly sweet one.

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