24 ‘Outdated’ Things That Are Better Than the Newer Versions

Author: Saad Muzaffar

Edited By: Rachel K. Belkin

Folks who swear by older and traditional appliances or gadgets aren’t just being nostalgic. Believe it or not, many modern-day developments don’t hold up for nearly as long as the “obsolete” ones. These technological “downgrades” are anything but outdated.

1. MP3 Players

MP3 players were all the rage in the early 2000s, and eventually, iPods joined the squad. The ability to listen to music exclusively sets these gadgets apart from today’s smartphones. No notifications, no extra apps, no interruptions.

2. Menus

To appear tech-savvy and advanced, many restaurants are shifting to online menus for which you must scan a QR code. It’s an absurd idea for some because why am I made to take a picture of a square, go to the website, and squint at my screen? Paper menus are supreme!

3. Browsers vs. Apps

When shopping online, many folks prefer the traditional route of going to the website instead of downloading a different app for each brand or company. However, in several cases, the app is just a browser view of the website. Installing an app for something you seldom purchase makes little sense.

4. Gas Cans

The old, “unsafe” gas cans seem more prevalent since they don’t leak gas all over the place. While the new ones are well sealed, whenever someone uses them, it shoots gas everywhere. Venting the gas can prior or using nozzles doesn’t help.

5. Hard Copies vs. E-Books

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned book. Some still prefer hard copies and the immersive experience of reading a book. Even seeing what books are available on your “want to read list” is a fun game in itself. While a Kindle is handy, many prefer holding a book at home to stay away from the screen for a while.

6. Old-School Tools

Nothing comes close to the durability of older tools. Those garage sale planes, panel saws, and second-hand old-school hammers are meant to last long and not quit on you when you need them the most.

7. Not-So-Smart Appliances

We live in an era of smart appliances. Everything from light bulbs and doorbells to washing machines and fridges can be connected to the internet and operated remotely. However, some may need help with this function. In truth, we just want the device to do its job without breaking or quickly becoming obsolete.

8. Alarm Clocks

I don’t know about you, but anything short of an emergency alarm won’t do when I am in deep slumber. Hence, it’s unsurprising that many prefer buying classic alarm clocks in the time of digital alarms on our phones. If the prospect seems costly, you can always go thrifting for one that sounds like a boat horn.

9. Nintendo DS

Those who have grown up with the original Nintendo DS know what I am talking about. This video game device never gave anyone an ounce of trouble or forced them to buy a subscription service to be able to play games. Sure, it may not be the most advanced gaming machine, but its longevity is incredible.

10. Washers

Automatic washing machines may have more features, but their longevity is questionable. Older analog washers keep chugging along, and their parts are easy to replace. If your local appliance shop stocks parts, you don’t need to worry about replacing your washer every 2-3 years.

11. Wall Calendars

Many swear by an excellent wall calendar hanging in the kitchen. Sure, your phone calendar is always available to you, but paper will be by your side whenever your battery gives up. The highlight of these calendars is that everyone in the family can see it.

12. Guitar Equipment

Some still swear by their Fender Champ Silverface over a modeling amp because repairs are easy. Additionally, nothing beats the quality of old Tel-Ray Morley Pedals. If it ain’t chrome, it ain’t got that tone

13. Print vs. PDF

Many complain about the switch to soft copies over printed documents. While it’s good for the environment, some documents are better off in print since marking them up is easy. Nothing beats the satisfaction of highlighting and scribbling ideas on a hard copy.

14. Ethereal Ethernet

In the era of WiFi, some still swear by the good old ethernet. As All About Cookies points out, ethernet can offer a smoother, faster connection, while wireless can be slow and prone to interference.

15. PlayStation Perils

As new models are released, someone can’t bring themselves to part with their older consoles. They don’t mind the emulation since many PS2 games are unique compared to more modern ones. Guess they don’t make ’em like that anymore.

16. Customer Service

In a time of virtual assistants, many miss the charm of live tech support and customer service representatives. For some folks, human help can get them the desired guidance more quickly than searching through the website and going over FAQs.

17. ASHPs vs. Oil Boilers

While air source heat pumps (ASHPs) are popular, low-carbon heating and cooling solutions, some still prefer their oil boilers. The simple mechanics make it much better, cheaper, and quicker than a modern air source heat pump.

18. Jacks vs. Bluetooth

As we move towards wireless features, many devices come without jacks and offer Bluetooth connectivity instead. However, many miss the simplicity of a 3.5mm audio jack. In some cases, Bluetooth either takes forever to connect or the connection drops in the middle.

19. Incandescent Light Bulbs

Some find that the new fluorescent bulbs and LED bulbs give off a different, whiter, and less pleasant light. Instead, some prefer 60-watt frosted light bulbs for their living room and bedrooms.

20. Kitchenware

Kitchenware has suffered the menace of planned obsolescence as many miss the old Pyrex products. The newer Pyrex baking dishes can be scary to use since they may explode in your oven.

21. Manual Motors

While automatic cars have been the norm for quite some time, some commenters can’t help but swear by manual transmission. Some tend to hate the push-button start, while others are just not ready to replace their 2010 Pontiac Vibe with some vehicle with a CVT and screens.

22. BlackBerry Blues

Though discontinued long ago, it’s hard to forget the BlackBerry era. For loyal users, the typing experience transcends that of a touchscreen keyboard, making everything from short replies to lengthy emails quite satisfying.

23. Cash

In times of online banking and digital transactions, carrying cash has become outdated. However, some still find carrying cash to be the safer, better alternative as it means not worrying about fraud alerts or getting their card skimmed.

24. Landline Phones

With every family member owning their own phone, landlines have become somewhat obsolete. Some think newer phones don’t have the same calling quality and experience as wired telephones.

This post was previously published on Wealth of Geeks.


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