39 Travel Products So Useful You’ll Never Go On A Trip Without Them Again

You can check out my review of Macks Earplugs for more deets: “The moldable silicone of Mack’s Earplugs contours easily to the shape of your ear to block out noise much more effectively than other foam or plastic varieties, and the noise reduction is so good that if I pair them with a white noise machine (or just like a white noise loop on Spotify) I genuinely don’t hear noises from outside my room. Not only that, but once they’re in place, they stay locked there until you decide to pull them out. I’ve also *loved* these for traveling — if you put these babies in on a plane not only does it help reduce some of the YIKES factor when the plane takes off (it’s loud!!), but it cancels out the murmuring noises of passengers on the flight and makes it easier to get some shuteye.

Promising review: “I have always bought earplugs based on the decibel ratings, but none of them have ever worked very well for me, because they don’t stay in my ears. These have a lower decibel rating than any of the foam earplugs I have used in the past, but they are much more effective. They really block noise, and they don’t go in your ear canal; they just cover the entrance to the ear canal. I find this much more comfortable. I am really glad I found these, and just wish i had found them sooner.” —Portlandia

Get 12 pairs from Amazon for $12.99.

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