67 Pool Essentials For Summer in Canada (Pool Included)

There are four seasons in this life: Fall, winter, spring and pool season. And, it’s not hard to see why it’s most people’s favorite. For starters, the temperatures are better. And, you can snag a little vitamin D, get in a mini-workout (if you choose) and generally just relax and unwind. (That phrase, “It’s five 0’clock somewhere,” definitely comes into play here.)

But, pools are a considerable amount of work and require a generous splash of gear, from cleaning gadgets and chemicals to toys and ways to sneak in a little shade. This is a supersized list of essentials every pool owner (or aspiring owner) should consider. Besides the essentials, I’ve got fun floaties, cool lighting and both wine glasses and snack trays you can enjoy right. in. the. water. (Mind = blown.) Take a deep dive with me as we wade through 67 pool must-haves; we’ve even got a pool or two to get you started!

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