Pope Francis Denounces the ‘Dangerous’ Progressive Notions of Gender Identity

Even though he is known as an outspoken reformer of institutions, Pope Francis stopped short this week of supporting some LGBTQ+ people. He called so-called “gender ideology” “one of the most destructive ideological colonizations,” in the world today.

The pontiff continued, speaking to La Nación, “Why is it dangerous? Because it diminishes the distinctions and value of men and women.” Later in the conversation, he repeated that “a gender anthropology” was “very hazardous because it eliminates differences, which eradicates humanity, the diversity of people.” According to scholars Mariana Prandini Assis and Ana Carolina Ogando, the phrase “gender ideology” has no academic or theoretical foundation, but is regularly cited as a bogeyman by religious and conservative groups. Pope Francis also informed the publication that he would not be penning an official church tract on the subject of gender, explaining that “some people are a bit naive and feel that this is the path to change.”