dSpace extends IAC partnership

dSpace has expanded its partnership with the Indy Autonomous Challenge (IAC) and will now support university racing teams with its simulation software as well as hardware as the event’s official software-in-the-loop (SIL) technology sponsor.

The company’s Simphera framework incorporates simulation models, test automation, test analysis and a simulation platform and can also integrate further components such as HIL simulators.

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The virtual test environments, designed for both desktop and cloud usage, provide teams with complete access to every element within the customizable framework. This means components in open simulation models can be replaced. In the cloud, teams can easily upload their self-developed control software – AI Driver – and promptly conduct initial tests on racing dynamics. The partnership also aims to offer solutions for advanced sensor simulation in the future.

As the current on-vehicle computer technology sponsor of the IAC, for the past year, every IAC race car has been driving with the dSpace Autera AutoBox. The system reads data from lidar and radar sensors and cameras, as well as from buses and networks in the vehicle. The data is then processed and provides real-time controls and commands for the full autonomous race cars with speeds up to 190mph.

Dr Carsten Hoff, CEO of dSpace, said, “Now that the Autera AutoBox has established itself as the brain of the IAC race car, we are taking the next step and providing the top university engineers with a virtual racetrack.

“With the software-in-the-loop solutions, we equip IAC teams with powerful tools that enable them to gain insights early on and that make the difference in the end to win the IAC races.”

Paul Mitchell, president of the IAC, said, “Increasing our collaboration, dSpace will provide a customized version of its Simphera SIL product, a best-in-class high-fidelity simulation tool that will offer our university teams a true digital twin of the next-gen IAC race cars and track environments. This partnership will enable true sim-to-real transfer learning and unlock the full potential of our teams’ AI Drivers to reach the pinnacle of safe high-speed automation.”

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