Volkswagen has now integrated ChatGPT for smarter driving

A ChatGPT integrated vehicle

Volkswagen has unveiled a significant advancement at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. The company has integrated ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-based chatbot, into its IDA voice assistant, marking a new era in automotive technology.

This innovation, a result of collaboration with technology partner Cerence Inc., introduces a seamless and intelligent ChatGPT integration via Cerence Chat Pro into current MEB and MQB evo models from Volkswagen Group brands that utilize the IDA voice assistant.

Set to make its debut in vehicles in the second quarter of 2024; this integration will offer customers access to an ever-expanding database of AI. ChatGPT is known for its intelligence and conversational abilities. Now, it will enable users to request and listen to researched content while driving, all without compromising personal data security.

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