Last call for artists to apply to North Ayrshire’s culture fund

North Ayrshire Council’s Arts and Culture Participatory Budgeting scheme’s application deadline has been extended to Monday, January 15.

The extended deadline provides artists, performers, and community groups living in North Ayrshire with an opportunity to have their applications reviewed before midday on the final day.

Councillor Alan Hill, cabinet member for Islands and Communities, said: “In the last PB funding round, those who took the time to vote helped make the dreams come true for eighteen Arts & Culture community projects who had their share of a Participatory Budgeting windfall.”

“This round, we are ready to hopefully receive more votes than ever before…

“Our residents know better than anyone else which projects will be the most beneficial to them in their local communities, so it is only fair that they have the final say on how this money is spent.

Irvine Times: The budget will be shared between projects across North Ayrshire

“Participatory Budgeting really is an inspirational example of community empowerment in action, and it has already made such a massive difference to many local projects over the last few years.”

The budget will be shared between projects across North Ayrshire.

The themes of these projects will centre around community spirit, green projects, and health and wellbeing – with each project receiving up to £400.

Community Spirit will focus on the development of new quality arts participatory experiences.

Green Projects will involve creative activities or events that are environmentally inclined.

Health and Wellbeing will concentrate on small-scale arts projects or events with an arts and culture focus that can improve the health and wellbeing of vulnerable groups.

Councillor Hill encouraged promptness in registration for a share of the funding.

He said: “You need to be on their radar if you want to share the funding, so please don’t delay, register your application today.”

“It has been fantastic to see so many local groups benefitting already, and we look forward to this year’s results and the positive outcomes that this funding will bring to an array of amazing projects across the area.”

To apply visit by noon on January 15 – and to find out more information about the authority’s participatory budgeting scheme, see

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