Advisor to US president on arts calls on minister for culture

ISLAMABAD  –  Pakistani-American businessman Shahid Ahmed Khan, Advisor to the President of the United States on Arts, visited the Culture Divi­sion on Monday, where he called on Interim Federal Minister for National Heritage and Culture Ja­mal Shah. The meeting aimed to foster collaboration and under­standing between Pakistan and the United States in the realm of arts and culture.

During the meeting, Minister Jamal Shah emphasized the cru­cial role of cultural exchanges in strengthening bilateral relations. He expressed the belief that such exchanges enable people from both countries to better under­stand each other’s perspectives and appreciate the richness of their respective cultures.

Shahid Ahmed Khan, acknowl­edging his frequent travels to Pa­kistan, expressed a keen interest in contributing to the preservation and promotion of the region’s rich cultural heritage. The Advisor to the President of the United States on Arts highlighted the potential for fruitful collaboration in this do­main. In a somber moment during the meeting, Minister Jamal Shah offered Fateha on the sad demise of Shahid Ahmed Khan’s mother, extending condolences on behalf of the Pakistani government.

Following the meeting, Shahid Ahmed Khan and Minister Jamal Shah proceeded to visit the Islam­abad Museum situated at the Sir Syed Memorial Building. The Di­rector General of the Department of Archaeology and Museum pro­vided a detailed briefing on the history of the Gandhara civiliza­tion, showcasing various stupas, statues, and artifacts housed in the museum. The Advisor was tak­en around the main hall of the mu­seum, gaining insights into the rich historical legacy of the region.

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