Russell Brand’s ‘Sexual Predator’ Label Cost Him This Job

Russell Brand was often called a “sexual predator,” so he lost his last big TV job.

The comedian and actor was hired as a judge on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle in 2018, but he quit after just one season after being made fun of on camera for supposedly sexually assaulting women.

Katherine Ryan, the judge of the Roast Battle, criticized Russell a lot while they were shooting, but three people who know about the Fulwell 73 production say that her comments were cut out of the final version.

Russell was talked about in the comedy and TV industries, but Katherine said he could still work on major shows.

Katherine said she talked to her “anonymous” co-star without naming Russell in an interview on the BBC show Louis Theroux Interviews last year.

She said, “I – in front of loads of people, in the format of the show – said to this person’s face that they are a predator.”

Deadline says that Katherine was definitely talking about Russell because it was a “litigious minefield” and she had not been directly attacked by him.

Brand’s Bipolarisation Tour has also been put off because five women, including a 16-year-old, have accused him of rape and sexual misconduct.
