“The main challenge is the lack of support” – Sahaja Yamalapalli opens up on the growth of tennis in India

Indian women’s tennis player Sahaja Yamalapalli has opened up about her journey and challenges in the sport. Recently, she was a part of Delhi Binny’s Brigade team in Tennis Premier League 2023, helping her team reach the semis.

Her growth in the recent years has been tremendous. Sahaja recently clinched her first top-200 win on her way to securing the ITF W25 Solapur title. The 23-year-old is among the rising stars in Indian tennis and feels that platforms like the Tennis Premier League are great for the growth of Indian tennis.

Below are the excerpts from the interview:

Q: How did your journey begin in tennis?

Sahaja Yamalapalli during her graduation (Image via Sahaja Yamalapalli/Instagram)<img class="lazy-img" width="974" height="974" data-img="https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg" alt="Sahaja Yamalapalli during her graduation (Image via Sahaja Yamalapalli/Instagram)" data-img-low="https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=840" src="data:image/svg+xml,” srcset=”https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=190 190w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=720 720w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=840 840w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=1045 1045w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=1200 1200w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=1460 1460w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg?w=1600 1600w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114522500.jpg 1920w”>
Sahaja Yamalapalli during her graduation (Image via Sahaja Yamalapalli/Instagram)

A: At the age of 10, I began my journey in tennis, which was considered late compared to most players who started a little earlier. Despite starting late, it was primarily for health or fitness purposes. My dad introduced me to the sport, and I developed a fascination for the ball.

As I got into it, I started picking up the game quickly, learning on my own even without a coach initially. So, that’s how it all started, and my passion for tennis continued to grow. I desired to pursue more in the sport, and my parents supported that aspiration. Thus, it was a long and challenging journey.

Q: How was the experience in the TPL?

It was great. It was my first time participating in TPL. Last time, I came in as a reserve but didn’t get the opportunity to play. However, this year, being on the center stage with so many fans created an awesome atmosphere that we don’t usually experience because we are still growing and don’t often play at higher stages.

It was fantastic for us to play, showcase our talent, and introduce the sport of tennis to kids who may not have been familiar with it. Hopefully, many kids picked up the sport just by watching us.

Q: How has your learning experience been after being with veteran players?

A: It was fantastic having all the top Indian players and even foreigners here—both men and women. Observing their play, picking up tips on their game, and hitting with them were valuable experiences.

Jeevan and Novak provided strong mental support during my matches; they encouraged me to play freely, emphasizing that nothing else mattered. Undoubtedly, it was a beneficial learning experience.

Q: When you and Jeevan were playing, we could see your bond as well as the support from the dugout. How was the dugout? How was the team bonding?

Sahaj Yamalapalli with Jeevan N. in TPL (Image via Delhi Binny's Brigade/Instagram)<img class="lazy-img" width="1080" height="720" data-img="https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg" alt="Sahaj Yamalapalli with Jeevan N. in TPL (Image via Delhi Binny's Brigade/Instagram)" data-img-low="https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=840" src="data:image/svg+xml,” srcset=”https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=190 190w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=720 720w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=840 840w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=1045 1045w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=1200 1200w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=1460 1460w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg?w=1600 1600w, https://static.beescdn.com/news.myworldfix.com/2024/01/20240130114525981.jpg 1920w”>
Sahaj Yamalapalli with Jeevan N. in TPL (Image via Delhi Binny’s Brigade/Instagram)

A: I thought our team was the best. I wouldn’t have changed anything because even when we were on the court, I knew everyone was there for us, and no negative vibes were present. It was all positive.

Even when Jeevan and I were playing, we just had fun. He told me to play freely, and just hit the shot the way I wanted to. Even the dugout was amazing. They were super supportive, and I loved it. I just loved being there.

Q: How do you feel about TPL as a platform for Indian tennis to go global?

A: It’s great because India has no league as big as this. Kunal and Mrunal did a great job bringing it to Pune and making it as big a stage as it is. Getting foreigners, actors, and actresses into it and trying to make it fun. For people who don’t know tennis, it’s not fun to watch when we play individual ITF tournaments.

In a league, it’s very quick, 20-point format. It’s great for kids and many other people watching. It’s just so interesting. Even my family started watching tennis only recently, just because of TPL. It’s a great platform to showcase our skills, get potential sponsorship, or anything like that.

Q: How challenging is switching to this quick format from the usual ones?

A: It presented its challenges, but we usually practice in a similar format. Playing to 11 points and engaging in shorter sets during practice has made us accustomed to quick matches. The challenge lies in the importance of every single point, as the team relies on your performance. Despite the challenges, the format is enjoyable.

Q: With many leagues like TPL coming up and tennis being a niche sport, how have the increasing cheers in the crowd been?

A: It’s been amazing to witness the growing enthusiasm in the crowd. When you see all these kids coming to watch us play, you get a sense that you’re making a positive impact. Beyond the outcomes of winning or losing, there’s a realization that you’re contributing to the community.

The transformation of the court, turning it black, is visually striking. It adds to the overall appeal of the game. This heightened support not only motivates you to continue but also serves as an inspiration for more kids to embrace the sport. It’s a wonderful feeling to know that many youngsters watching you might decide to take up tennis just by witnessing you in action.

Q: Who is your inspiration?

A: Without a doubt, my dad is my greatest inspiration. He has been the most influential person in my life. In our early years, when financial resources were limited, we mostly played by ourselves.

Despite my initial struggles and losing in the first round of every tournament, my dad remained remarkably positive. He consistently encouraged me, emphasizing that I could overcome challenges, learn from experiences, and keep pushing forward. He is the primary figure whose influence has motivated me to grow in tennis.

Q: Which is your most memorable win?

A: Last year in July, I secured a memorable victory at a 25K ITF tournament held in Gurgaon. It was a special tournament for me as I was considered an underdog, and no one anticipated my win. In the first round, I defeated Karman, whom I used to idolize as a top Indian player.

Winning that match and ultimately clinching the title was an unbelievable experience. I was completely zoned in, and everything just fell into place. That particular week stands out as one of the most memorable in my career.

Q: What are the challenges, and what can be done better for the growth of Indian tennis?

A: We have great talent in India, but the main challenge is the lack of support, particularly from the government. International travel is costly, and many players, including myself, find it financially challenging. While my dad’s friends have helped me, there’s no consistent financial support from companies or the government. It’s difficult to predict whether I’ll have enough money to travel for tournaments.

This financial struggle is common among many players at this stage. If we could secure more support, similar to the strong backing cricket receives, it would significantly impact the growth of Indian tennis.

Q: Any message for the young girls out there?

A: My message is to persist with hard work, dedicate yourself every day, and maintain belief in your abilities. Disregard negative comments, stay true to your self-belief, and success will come in due course.

This article was done with inputs from Meeth Agrawal.

Edited by Sudeshna Banerjee

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function trackEvent(identifier) {
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function trackTeam(identifier) {
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trackSport: trackSport,
trackEvent: trackEvent,
trackTeam: trackTeam
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APPROVED: “approved”,
REJECTED: “rejected”,
DELETE: “delete”
var commentsCount = 0;
“approved”: {
“text”: “This comment is approved 👍”,
“class”: “approved-text”
“delete”: {
“text”: “This comment is deleted ❌”,
“class”: “rejected-text”
var moderationCountHTMLElement;
function getPendingCommentsCount() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
pureJSAjaxGetWithCredentialsFlag(‘https://a-login.sportskeeda.com/en/comment-moderation/pending/count’, function (data) {
try {
var parsedData = JSON.parse(data);
} catch (exception) {
}, function (err) {
}, true)
function getIncomingComments() {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
pureJSAjaxGetWithCredentialsFlag(‘https://a-login.sportskeeda.com/en/comment-moderation/incoming’, function (data) {
if (typeof data === “string”) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
}, function (err) {
}, true)
function onCommentActionClick(container, comment, statusToBeUpdated) {
// invalid status update check
if (!Object.values(COMMENT_ACTION_STATUS).includes(statusToBeUpdated)) {
Object.assign(comment, { id: comment.ID, status: statusToBeUpdated }),
function (result) {
commentsCount = Math.max(0, commentsCount – 1);
moderationCountHTMLElement.innerText = commentsCount > 0 ? commentsCount : ”;
if (commentResponseItem) {
var card = container.querySelector(‘div[data-notification-id=”‘ + comment.ID + ‘”]’);
var cardActionResult = card.getElementsByClassName(‘kcn-action’)[0];
if (cardActionResult) {
cardActionResult.innerText = commentResponseItem.text;
function (err) {
null, true
function displayNewCommentNotifications(container) {
getIncomingComments().then(function (comments) {
if (comments.error == true) {
container.style.display = “none”;
var cardsContainer = container.querySelector(‘.kcn-card-container’);
if(comments.length > 0) {
container.style.display = “block”;
cardsContainer.innerHTML = ”;
comments.forEach(function (comment, index) {
var notificationCardTemplate = container.querySelector(‘#kcn-card’);
var notificationCard = notificationCardTemplate.content.cloneNode(true);
var notificationCardWrapper = notificationCard.querySelector(‘.kcn-card-wrapper’);
notificationCardWrapper.setAttribute(‘data-notification-id’, comment.ID);
var notificationText = notificationCard.querySelector(‘.kcn-comment-text’);
notificationText.innerHTML = comment.comment_text;
var keedaPostLink = notificationCard.querySelector(‘.keeda-posts-link’);
keedaPostLink.href = comment.permalink;
notificationCardWrapper.querySelector(‘.approve’).addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
onCommentActionClick(container, comment, COMMENT_ACTION_STATUS.APPROVED);
notificationCardWrapper.querySelector(‘.delete’).addEventListener(‘click’, function () {
onCommentActionClick(container, comment, COMMENT_ACTION_STATUS.DELETE);
} else {
container.style.display = “block”;
cardsContainer.innerHTML = “No new comments”;
}).catch(function (err) {
function displayPendingCommentsCount(container) {
getPendingCommentsCount().then(function (res) {
if (res.count && res.count > 0) {
commentsCount = res.count;
moderationCountHTMLElement.innerText = res.count;
function toggleContainerVisibility(container) {
var kcnContentContainer = container.querySelector(‘#kcn-comment-container’);
var kcnPointer = container.querySelector(‘#kcn-pointer’);
if (kcnContentContainer) {
if (kcnPointer) {
function addClickHandler(container, clickCallback) {
var iconContainerElement = container.querySelector(‘#kcn-comment-info-holder’);
iconContainerElement.addEventListener(“click”, function (event) {
if (!commentsLoaded) {
commentsLoaded = true;
var cardsContainer = container.querySelector(‘.kcn-card-container’);
if (cardsContainer) {
cardsContainer.innerHTML = “Loading comments…”;
function init (element) {
moderationCountHTMLElement = document.getElementById(“kcn-comment-count”);
return {
init: init
function initCommentNotifications(capabilities) {
if(window.innerWidth < 340 || !capabilities) {
var notificationContainer = document.getElementById("keeda-comment-notifications-container");
if (notificationContainer) {
if (capabilities.includes('superAdmin') || capabilities.includes('canModerate')) {
} else {

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