Oak Ridge High School tennis tryouts begin Feb. 12 after school

Tryouts for Oak Ridge High School Wildcat and Lady Wildcat tennis teams begin at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 12 on the courts after school.

Spring season in TSSAA District 4 begins with a scrimmage against Grace Christian on Feb. 23.

Students’ medical documentation must be on file in the Athletic Office by Feb. 7, coaches David and Joanne Bowman said in a news release.

Oak Ridge High School tennis coaches David and Joanne Bowman.

If parents and players would like to be added to the coaches’ distribution list for the ORHS Tennis Program, they can subscribe to a REMIND class Tennis@34fh6f. REMIND is an app.

Parents and players may also email the coaches directly ([email protected] and [email protected]) with questions or contact information that will be used during the season when inclement weather requires practices or matches to be cancelled.

The Oak Ridge High School tennis schedule for 2024.

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