CHSAA Legislative Council passes on basketball shot

LONE TREE – In a bit of a stunning move, the voting members of the CHSAA Legislative Council decided to not add a shot clock to basketball.

The proposal was placed in front of the LC via a recommendation by the Board of Directors in November. The Legislative Council vote was 43 against, 28 for and there was one voter who abstained.

It called for the implementation of a shot clock at all levels of basketball (both boys and girls) starting in the 2026-27 season.

There has been much debate over a shot clock since the NFHS allowed state associations to move forward with it based on their prerogative.

That happened beginning in the 2022-23 season.

Chaparral athletic director Rob Johnson proposed an amendment following the initial vote to implement a shot clock at just the varsity level. After discussion, that vote (which needed a 2/3 majority to pass) also fell short.

The basketball committee meeting is slated for Feb. 7 so this likely is not the end of the shot clock discussion, but the proposal as it stands will not move forward.

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