Tech ed students honored

Front row, from left are: Connor Quick – Construction Trades II; Mya Watkins – Education Careers; Gavin Neuens – Marketing & Entrepreneurship; back row, Joshua Cameron – Mechatronics II; Lucas Kassin – Graphic Communications III; Mason Richtig – Automotive Technology.

From left are: Grayson Palmer – Welding Technologies II; Ava Krull – Welding Technologies; Brent Mayes II – Computer Networking and Security II.

Pictured is Hailee Siegler – Health Occupations.

The Dickinson-Iron Technical Education Center has announced the recipients of “Outstanding Student” awards for the first semester of the 2023-24 school year. The instructor from each program at the Tech Center selects one student each semester to receive this honor. Students are chosen based on quality of work, work ethic, leadership and teamwork skills, overall attitude, as well as disciplinary and attendance performance.

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