Art Program Enlives Shellharbour City Bus Shelters

New artwork has been installed in bus shelters across Shellharbour, as part of Shellharbour City Council’s Art in Unexpected Places program.

The Art in Unexpected Spaces program features a new artist quarterly to provide ongoing opportunities for artists, as well as display visual delights for visitors and locals to connect with.

The featured artworks are by Trawlwoolway artist Edwina Green. Edwina’s practice is informed by her connection to culture and ties to reclaiming intergenerational disconnection.

Artworks from Edwina’s ‘Badary’ series (meaning ‘little ones’), are designed to engage children. The artworks explore a playful connection to kin and the elements necessary for a strong cultural bond (learn, listen, yarn, play).

Other works displayed explore the diversity and complexity of language groups across our country.

Shellharbour City Council Mayor Chris Homer encouraged community members to keep an eye out for the new artworks.

“The Art in Unexpected Places program not only provides fresh pops of colour and small moments of joy in places across the city that may not be expected, but it also provides exciting opportunities for artists to showcase their work,” Mayor Homer said.


• Princes Highway, Albion Park

• Lake Entrance Road, Oak Flats

• 40 Lake Entrance Road, Oak Flats

• 128 Shellharbour Road, Warilla

The Art in Unexpected Places program will renew artwork in April.

There will be a call out to Artists later this year to express interest in being part of this program.

Stay up to date with opportunities for artists by signing up to council’s Art and Culture Newsletter.

To learn more about the Art in Unexpected Places program and view previous artworks that have been displayed, visit…

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