Wearables are ideal for those constantly on the go who don’t have time to sit down and take a breath. Apollo had multiple physicians and neuroscientists develop its wearable that not only helps relieve the constant weight of stress but also improves the wearer’s health. It uses silent vibrations that the company claims will help with safety and control, removing the wearer from a fight or flight mode. It’s a flexible device users can wear on their wrists or ankles. Furthermore, if they’re not a fan of the wristband, it comes with a clip that they can attach to their clothing.
The Apollo wearable connects to the Apollo Neuro app, where different settings are available depending on the user’s goals. It’s proven to help with sleep, stress, focus, energy, and socializing. The battery can handle up to eight hours of continuous use, but users can adjust the settings so it’s not active all day. According to Rolling Stone, the full effects of the wearable won’t be felt unless it’s used for two hours a day for 30 continuous days.