Lenovo has recently unveiled the Legion 9i laptop in India and introduced the ThinkBook Plus Gen 5 Hybrid model in the US. According to reports, the company is now gearing up to refresh multiple existing laptop models, with announcements expected at the upcoming Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 in Barcelona. Beyond mere upgrades, there are indications that Lenovo is set to introduce a novel laptop model featuring a transparent design, a detail the company had managed to keep confidential until now.
Design renders of this purported transparent laptop by Lenovo were leaked by Windows Report. The report suggests that Lenovo might unveil this innovative concept at MWC 2024, scheduled to take place from February 26 to February 29.
The surface of this all-new transparent Lenovo laptop is reflective and has the potential to be entirely transparent. The essential internal components are housed in and beneath the opaque chin, keeping them out of view. Additionally, there is a slim opaque border that encompasses the entire deck, it is reportedly going to accommodate multiple connectivity ports.
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While the report doesn’t provide specific specifications for the transparent Lenovo laptop, it suggests that it comes with Windows 11 pre-installed. The design is likened more to dual-screen laptops than traditional ones. Lenovo is anticipated to disclose further features and specifications for this laptop during its unveiling at MWC 2024.
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In addition to this innovative model, as per reports, Lenovo is planning upgrades for various existing models, including the Lenovo ThinkBook 14 G4, Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 5 (both Intel and AMD versions), Lenovo ThinkPad T16 Gen 3, Lenovo ThinkPad x12 Detachable Gen 2, and Lenovo ThinkVision M14T Gen 2.