WhatsApp last year added a security feature called Chat Lock that allows users to keep their intimate chats behind another layer of security. However, this feature apparently didn’t work on linked devices, leaving a loophole that could hamper user privacy. WhatsApp seems to be working on plugging that gap by developing the feature for linked devices.
As per a report by WABetainfo, the latest WhatsApp beta for Android update, which is available on the Google Play Store, it discovered that this feature on the Meta-owned app is under development so it’s not ready for beta testers.
How it will work
As per the report, when a chat is locked on the main device, it will be automatically locked on all other linked devices for added privacy in a future update of the app.
“This synchronisation of chat locks across devices ensures consistent protection of selected conversations from prying eyes, regardless of the device being used,” the report added. A secret code (or face unlock/ fingerprint) will be needed to open the list of all locked chats from a linked device.
It is to be noted that the Chat Lock feature will soon be available on the web/ desktop app. It can be used on Android devices and iPhones.
How to turn on chat lock
Users can turn chat lock off or on for any chat. Before setting up a chat lock, the user device must have authentication set up, such as phone passcode, fingerprint or Face ID. If not, users will be prompted to set it up before locking a chat.
To turn on chat lock:
- On your mobile device, swipe left or long press on the chat you want to lock.
- Tap more options or more options > Lock Chat.
- Tap Lock this chat with fingerprint or Lock This Chat with Face ID.