California emissions testing site receives CARB approval

The Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Garage in Detroit has recently been acknowledged by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) as able to conduct automotive exhaust emissions testing. CARB has officially designated the SEMA Garage Detroit as a Recognized Independent Emissions Lab, qualifying it for emissions compliance testing.

Established in 2022, the SEMA Garage Detroit emissions lab provides services including advanced emissions testing tools, competitive rates, assistance with vehicle procurement and real-time testing observation by manufacturers. In addition to its emissions testing lab, the SEMA Garage compliance center assists manufacturers throughout the CARB application process, to reach regulatory approval.

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This recognition from CARB enhances SEMA’s ability to support its members by providing certification-level automotive exhaust emissions testing. Testing plays an important role in the CARB Executive Order (EO) process; SEMA aims to facilitate this by offering essential emissions testing services and aiding in navigating regulatory standards.

As of February 2024, there are only 14 independent vehicle emissions testing labs in the United States, including the two SEMA Garages, recognized by CARB for conducting light-duty tailpipe emissions testing.

This CARB recognition, according to the association, coincides with a milestone for the SEMA Garage program, having secured over 700 CARB EOs for its members.

“We’re excited to receive this recognition from CARB,” said Mike Mohacsi, VP of product development and OEM relations at SEMA.

Ben Kaminsky, general manager at SEMA Garage Detroit, added, “The emissions testing labs at the SEMA Garage in Detroit and Diamond Bar focus on developing and certifying aftermarket components. We are two of the only recognized labs in the country with this specific focus.”

For more emissions compliance news, click here

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