I-CAR, SCRS Release Collision Repair Tech Satisfaction Report

In response to the growing challenges faced by the collision repair industry in retaining and attracting skilled technicians, I-CAR, the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair, in collaboration with the Society of Collision Repair Specialists (SCRS), engaged with Ducker Carlisle, a global consulting firm, to conduct a technician satisfaction survey researching their opinions on compensation, culture and career opportunities. The white paper showcases the perspective of collision repair technicians and aims to better understand their sentiments and career outlook while identifying key factors influencing their workplace satisfaction.

This survey, conducted in 2023 with more than 800 collision repair technicians, provided valuable insights into various aspects of the profession. Ducker Carlisle’s comprehensive experience in the automotive space and its history of surveying, analyzing and benchmarking the perspective of diesel and mechanical technicians was instrumental in helping the collision repair industry understand recruitment and retention challenges, SCRS and I-CAR said. The survey also allowed a basis for comparison between those two automotive service sectors which often compete with the collision repair industry for technician talent.

The full report is viewed on I-CAR’s website. Highlights of the white paper include:

Overall Satisfaction: The white paper reveals that, as a whole, collision repair technicians express higher satisfaction levels compared to their dealer service technician counterparts, based on previous Ducker Carlisle surveys. However, there is room for improvement, as over a quarter of collision techs are unsatisfied and considering leaving their current roles within the next two years.

Compensation & Pay Plan: Collision repair technicians have a high earning potential over the course of their careers, with many experienced techs earning over $100,000 a year. Entry level technician compensation is another an area of opportunity for improvements in satisfaction. Shops that pay on a flat rate have significantly lower employee satisfaction than shops who use other compensation models.

Benefits Offerings: Benefits offerings in the industry can vary widely based on the type of shop. When shops lack benefits, as 15% of survey respondents reported – whether due to non-offering or lack of awareness of availability, it poses a challenge in attracting and retaining skilled technicians.

Career Outlook & Progression: Technician satisfaction with career advancement opportunities is inconsistent, with nearly half expressing dissatisfaction or neutrality, or a lack of awareness about the opportunities available to them. Clear paths for and frequent communication about career growth and continuous learning are essential to enhance overall job satisfaction and retention.

Technical Training: Adequate training opportunities are crucial for technician satisfaction and long-term success. Collision repair technicians, on average, lack satisfaction with their technical training. Improved and more consistent implementation of training offerings are critical for attracting and retaining a highly skilled workforce.

New Technology: Collision techs are generally excited about the opportunity to work on emerging vehicle technologies, with over half expressing enthusiasm. This stands in contrast to dealer service tech counterparts, indicating a potential recruiting advantage for collision shops.

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